Managing Social Media Connections

Managing Social Media Connections

The Connections tab is where you can view and manage all of your Connections. Zoho Social will automatically update your Connections list with everyone who has interacted with your Brand on Facebook and Twitter; this includes following, liking, sharing, or commenting on posts, and tweeting or sending direct messages to you.

This feature is available for Facebook Page and Twitter. Connections are currently not available for Facebook Groups, LinkedIn channels, Instagram and Google My Business listings because of API restrictions. 

To filter your Connections by a social channel, click on the respective icon from the top panel.

Connection Views

There are totally seven views you can use to see specific types of Connections. Five of the basic views which are available to all Zoho Social members: are
  • All Connections: Everyone who has interacted with your Brand.
  • Recently Engaged: Only Connections who have engaged with your brand recently.
  • Most Engaged: Only Connections who interact with your brand more often than most.
  • Followers: Only Connections who follow your brand on Twitter.
  • Following: Only Connections your brand follows on Twitter. 
All Connections, Recently Engaged, and Most Engaged are based on engagements; they include only your followers and not the ones followed by your brand.

If you also use Zoho CRM (link to CRM Integration section), you can integrate it with Zoho Social to see two more views of your Connections:
  • CRM Leads: Connections who have provided their contact information and have the potential to be converted into CRM Contacts.
  • CRM Contacts: Leads that you have already contacted and have ongoing interactions with.

Individual Connection Details

On Zoho Social, you have the option to view a Connection's details to see all of their profile information and interactions in one place. It's important not only to keep track of who is engaging with your Brand, but also to build rapport and grow your relationship with them. 

The Connection details section helps you learn more about a Connection, see their profile info and interactions, tweet to them and even leave comments. 

To view a Connection's details:

1. Go to the Connections tab on the left panel.
2. Click a Connection to view, add, or edit their details:
  • Personal Information: Phone, Mobile, Website, Location, and Description.
  • Social Channels: If you have interactions with a Connection on more social channels, you can associate those channels to the Connection's profile.
3. Select the Interactions tab to the right of the Connection's profile to display all the ways this Connection has engaged with your Brand's social channels.

If you have connected multiple social channels for a single connection, you will have a column-wise view of their interactions on each of these channels (available for Twitter, and Instagram; Facebook and LinkedIn networks are not supported because of API restrictions). You can engage with them from here by liking and commenting on their posts or tweeting at them directly. The Twitter tab will show your Connection's tweets, followers, likes, and those being followed. 

When someone follows you on Twitter or Instagram but does not engage with your Brand, they will still be added to Connections, but you will not see their activity under the Interactions tab.

Add to Zoho CRM and API Changes 

If you've integrated your account with Zoho CRM and would like to add a Connection to Zoho CRM:

  1. Hover over a Connection to display available actions.
  2. Click +Add to CRM.
  3. Choose either Associate to Existing or Add New.
  • Select a Connection's social media profile to associate it with an existing profile in Zoho CRM.
  • Alternatively, you can hit Add New to create a new contact or lead

API changes

If you are unable to view your Instagram Connections, it could be because you linked your Brand's handle to Zoho Social after the Instagram API deprecation came into effect.

If your brand's Instagram handle was linked to your Brand's Zoho Social account before the API changes kicked, you will be able to continue viewing your old Instagram Connections (added before the date) via the Connections tab on your Zoho Social.

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