Managing User Profiles

Managing User Profiles

In Zoho Desk, the profile function controls the permission to help desk modules, records, fields in a record, and various utilities, such as import, export, send email, etc. Agents associated with the profile can access the functions that are assigned to them.

Zoho Desk provides you with 6 profiles:
  • Default Profiles
    • Support Administrator: This profile has access to all the features.
    • Agent: This profile has limited access to the features.
    • Light Agents: This profile has very limited set of permissions (i.e., read-only).
  • Custom Default Profiles
    • Newbie Agent: This profile has limited access that is required for a newbie agent.
    • Supervisor: This profile has limited access that is required for supervisory users.
    • Support Manager: This profile has limited access that is required for managerial users.

Key Features
Profile controls the following functions:
  • Module permissions
  • Ticket permissions
  • Administrative permissions
  • Multi-department permissions

Module Permissions
  • Tab visibility
  • View Records
  • Create Records
  • Update Records
  • Delete Records

Ticket Permissions
  • Send Email
  • Change Ownership
  • Handle Unassigned
  • Close Tickets
  • Review Emails
  • Find and Merge
  • Add Followers

Administrative Permissions
  • Comment Permissions
  • Manage Agents and Teams
  • Manage Agent Permissions
  • Rebranding
  • Manage Modules
  • Helpdesk Automation
  • Manage Departments
  • Customer Happiness Ratings
  • Email and Ticket Templates
  • Administrator Dashboard
  • Manage Layouts and Fields
  • End Users
  • Google Analytics Dashboard
  • Approve End User Signups
  • Configure Support Channels
  • Import Records
  • Export Records
  • Manage General Settings
  • Webhooks

Multi-department Permissions
  • Global Reports and Dashboards
  • Access Data across Departments
  • Move Tickets
  • Share Tickets

Creating Profile

While creating a profile, first you have to associate the existing profile to the new profile and later you can change the modules and ticket-level access control.
To create a profile:
  1. Click the Setup icon  ) in the top bar.
  2. In the Setup Landing page, click Permissions under Users and Control.
  3. Under Permissions menu, click Profiles.
  4. In the Profiles page, click New Profile in the upper right corner.
  5. In the New Profile page, do the following:
    • Enter the Profile Name.
    • Select an existing profile from the Clone Profile drop-down list.
      The new profile will be cloned. Later you can modify the access control for the new profile.
    • Enter the Profile Description.
  6. Click Save.
    Once you have cloned the profile, you can make the changes to the various permissions.

Controlling Different Permissions
After creating a profile, you must control the access to the modules (Accounts, Contacts, Reports & Dashboards, Tasks, Events, Calls, Tickets, Help Center, Contracts, Products, Time Entry, Community, Social and Chat), tickets, help desk administration, and multi-department permissions for the profile. Users with Support Administrator privileges can manage these permissions.
To control permissions:
  1. Click the Setup icon  ) in the top bar.
  2. In the Setup Landing page, click Permissions under Users and Control.
  3. Under Permissions menu, click Profiles.
  4. In the Profiles page, select the profile that you want to modify.
  5. In the Profile Information page, specify the access permissions for the following:
    • Module Permissions
    • Ticket Permissions
    • Administrative Permissions
    • Multi-department Permissions

  6. Your settings will be saved.

Associating Users with Profile
You can associate the profile with the users so that they can access help desk modules and tickets that are assigned to them. Users with Support Administrator privileges can associate a profile with users.
To associate users with a profile:
  1. Click the Setup icon  ) in the top bar.
  2. In the Setup Landing page, click Agents under Users and Control.
  3. In the Agents List page, click the <Agent Name>.
  4. On the Agent Details page, click the Edit icon  ) in the left panel.
  5. In the Edit Agent Information page and under Roles and Permissions, select the Profile from the pick list.
  6. Click Save.

Deleting Profiles
You may delete some of the unwanted profiles after assigning the users to the other profiles. Before deleting a particular profile, users associated with that profile must be transferred to other existing profiles. You can delete all the profiles except "Support Administrator", "Light Agent", and "Agent" profiles.
To delete a profile:
  1. Click the Setup icon  ) in the top bar.
  2. In the Setup Landing page, click Permissions under Users and Control.
  3. Under Permissions menu, click Profiles.
  4. In the Profiles page, click the Delete icon (  ) for the specific profile.
  5. In the Delete Profile page, transfer the existing users to the new profile.
  6. Click Transfer & Delete.
    The profile will be permanently deleted.

  • By default, the users that you import will have the following: Role - Manager and Profile - Agent. After importing, you can change the roles and profiles from the Agents page.

It is the responsibility of the data administrator to provide requisite permissions to their agents.

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