Marketing Automation - An Overview

Marketing Automation - An Overview

As part of the marketing automation, Zoho CRM provides Campaign managementEmail marketing, and Web Forms (to generate leads, contacts, and cases) which are useful for integrating your organization's sales and marketing activities.

With the Zoho CRM campaign management features, you can effectively plan marketing expenditures and improve the quality of lead generation process. In addition, campaign management integrated with leads and opportunities modules helps your organization in measuring the campaign performance and effectiveness.

Plan, execute and monitor the performance of your marketing activities. Learn More

Web Forms
Build web forms to capture leads, contacts and cases online. Learn More

Zoho CRM for Google Ads
Close the loop between online ad dollars and offline conversions. Learn More

Mass Email
Send mass emails to your leads and contacts use autoresponders to follow up with customers.
Send Mass Emails  | Autoresponders 

Email Marketing with Zoho Campaigns
Export leads and contacts from CRM to Campaigns and easily plan & execute email campaigns. Learn More

Document Library
Manage all your business related documents in a single place within Zoho CRM for easy access and save storage space
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