Migrate from Zoho Campaigns to Zoho MarketingHub

Migrate from Zoho Campaigns to Zoho MarketingHub


Before you switch from Zoho Campaigns to Zoho MarketingHub, it is important to have a basic understanding of what this migration process is, how to proceed and most importantly, the do's and don'ts during migration. In this article, we'll lay out the process of migrating from Campaigns to MarketingHub, walk through the best practices, and share helpful tips to ensure your email campaigns, workflows, and other data migrate seamlessly over to MarketingHub.

Before diving into migration, let's consider the following user scenarios:
  1. I want to use both Zoho Campaigns and Zoho MarketingHub for my account simultaneously. Can I use my Campaigns' data in MarketingHub?
  2. I want to create a distinct account for MarketingHub.
  3. I want to migrate my data from Zoho Campaigns to Zoho MarketingHub.

I want to use both Zoho Campaigns and Zoho MarketingHub for my organization simultaneously. Can I use my Campaigns' data in MarketingHub?

You have the option to use both Zoho Campaigns and Zoho MarketingHub simultaneously, and use your Campaigns' data with MarketingHub(also vice-versa). You can simply share your data between the two apps.
When you sign up to MarketingHub and choose to have a shared account, you'll be prompted to select the Campaigns features (email campaigns, mailing lists, etc.) that you want to share with MarketingHub. The ones you choose to share will be listed in MarketingHub, but you won't be able to edit/delete them (read-only mode). You can also instantly clone Campaigns features that are being shared in MarketingHub and use them. This also means that there is no need to migrate your data from one to the other.
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I want to create a distinct account for MarketingHub.

You can sign up for Zoho MarketingHub by creating a new account. Learn more
If you're a Zoho Campaigns user, and you create a distinct account for Zoho MarketingHub, your data will be distinct for both the apps and won't be shared. If you wish to be able to share or migrate, you'll have to delete your MarketingHub account and sign up for it again. When you sign up, click Create shared account. You'll be able to migrate only when you have a shared account.

I want to migrate my data from Zoho Campaigns to Zoho MarketingHub.

  1. You can migrate your data to MarketingHub only when you have a shared organization between the two apps.
  2. You need to be a paid user of Zoho MarketingHub to migrate from Zoho Campaigns.
  3. Once you migrate to MarketingHub, you won't be able to revert back to Campaigns.
  1. To initiate migration, any administrators in Zoho Campaigns can send a request to support@zohocampaigns.com
  2. The option to migrate will be enabled after your request is processed.
  3. Any administrator in Zoho Campaigns can configure the features for migration and schedule it.
  4. They will have to send the configuration to administrators in MarketingHub and get it approved. Your Zoho Campaigns data will be migrated to Zoho MarketingHub only after your migration request is approved by a organization administrator. 

What data can I migrate from Zoho Campaigns to MarketingHub?

You can migrate the following:
  1. Administrators and users
  2. Common data
    1. Consent
    2. Library
    3. Calendar
    4. Company 
    5. Sender address/domain authentication
    6. Integrations
    7. Sync
  3. Shareable data
    1. Email campaigns (regular, advanced, social, campaign reports)
    2. Automation (autoresponders, webhooks, workflows)
    3. Mailing lists
    4. Themes
    5. Sign-up forms
    6. Contact scoring
    7. Folders 
  4. Non-shareable data
    1. Pages and emails 
    2. Campaign policy 
    3. Manager approval
    4. Audit logs
    5. Notification settings 
    6. Roles and privileges
    7. APIs
    8. Favorites
  5. Custom fields and merge tags
In non-shareable data:
  1. Roles and privileges, APIs, and favorites will not be migrated. 
  2. Audit logs will be migrated and listed in MarketingHub based on their timestamps.
  3. Notification settings will be migrated as such.
  4. In the case of pages and emails, campaign policy, and manager approval, you can choose to override MarketingHub's settings with Campaigns’ settings using the toggle.
Custom fields and their merge tags will be migrated based on the number of custom fields available in MarketingHub (We allow a maximum of 150 fields of different data types in each of the apps).

How to migrate?

The option to migrate your data from Zoho Campaigns will be available only after you send a request to support@zohocampaigns.com.
 You need to be an administrator in Zoho Campaigns to configure and migrate data to MarketingHub. This can only be done for a shared account. After you raise a request:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, select Settings.
  2. Choose Data Sharing under Data Administration.
  3. Click Migrate Data.

  4. Your MarketingHub subscription plan will be checked to make sure that migrating your data does not exceed the maximum limit of leads allowed for your plan.  
  5. Click Edit next to Common data to configure the features in it.
  6. Click Edit next to Shareable data to configure the features in it.
  7. Click Configure next to Non-shareable data to choose whether or not to override the MarketingHub settings with Campaigns' for pages and emails, campaign policy, and manager approval.

  8. Disable the toggle corresponding to the Campaigns setup that you don't want to override in MarketingHub.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Schedule the migration.
  11. Select which MarketingHub administrator you want send the migration request to. Select "All" if you want to send the request to all the administrators.

  12. Click Send for Approval.
  13. The request will be sent to the selected administrators in MarketingHub.
  14. Once your configuration is approved, migration will be scheduled. It is recommended to not perform any activities involving the data after you have scheduled the migration.
  15. The administrator in MarketingHub can deny the migration at any time.
  1. Your MarketingHub subscription plan plays a crucial role in migration. Make sure the data that is being migrated to MarketingHub does not exceed any limits listed in your subscription plan.
  2. You won't be able to initiate migration if there is any chance of exceeding the allowed limit.
  3. Do not schedule any action during the time of migration involving the data being migrated. Doing so might stop the migration abruptly.
  4. Once migration begins, both the apps will be frozen until the migration is complete.

After migration:

  1. All data in Zoho Campaigns will be deleted. User and administrators will be kept intact. 
  2. Campaign APIs will be honored and data will be added and served from MarketingHub for 30 days after migration.
  3. The MarketingHub entities that you choose to share with Campaigns will be displayed in read-only mode in Campaigns.
  4. Features you choose not to share with Campaigns will be available only in MarketingHub.
E.g. You want to share your email campaigns and mailing lists with Campaigns but don't want to share autoresponders. To do so:
  1. In MarketingHub, go to Settings and choose Data sharing under Data Administration

  2. Click Edit in the Zoho MarketingHub sub-tab.

  3. Enable the toggle corresponding to the features you want to share and disable the toggle for the ones that you don't want to share.

  4. Click Save after you are done with the selection.
Now only the selected features of Zoho MarketingHub will be shared with Campaigns and will be available in read-only mode in Campaigns.
Once you finish migrating your data, you can read MarketingHub's Getting Started guide (if you haven't yet) and kickstart your success with your new automation software.
For more help, contact us at support@zohomarketinghub.com.


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