Missing Overlay Icons in Desktop Sync

Missing Overlay Icons in Desktop Sync

In Desktop Sync, the following overlay icons will appear on individual files and folders indicating their sync status:
 The file/folder has been fully synced.
 The file/folder is being synced.
 The file/folder could not be synced.

General Cases

There are some cases when the overlay status icons will not appear over the files and folder that are synced to WorkDrive:
You have disabled the overlay icons
The overlay status icons will not appear on files and folders if they are not enabled in the sync app.
To turn on overlay icons:
1. Click the WorkDrive icon  in the system tray or menu bar. A small screen will open.
2. Click the Settings icon  and select Preferences.
3. By default, the General menu will be selected. Check Show overlay status icons.
4. Click Apply. (This step is only required for Windows OS.)

WorkDrive Sync app is not running
If you don't see the Zoho WorkDrive Sync icon on your system tray, it means the app is not active. This can be due to the following reasons:
  1. You have turned off automatic start on system startup
  2. WorkDrive has stopped working unexpectedly
You have turned off automatic start on system startup
The Zoho WorkDrive Sync app will not function without your interference if you've disabled automatic start of the app on system startup.
To enable automatic start on system startup:
1. Click the WorkDrive icon  in the system tray or menu bar. A small screen will open.
2. Click the Settings icon  and select Preferences.
3. By default, the General menu will be selected. Check Start WorkDrive on system startup.
4. Click Apply. (This step is only required for Windows and Linux OS.)
WorkDrive has stopped working unexpectedly
Open the sync app and check for the overlay icons. If the problem persists, reinstall the app and try again.
You are viewing files and folders that are not synced to WorkDrive anymore
You may view files and folders without overlay status icons when:
  1. Sync location has been changed. 
    Refer: Move Sync folder

  2. Sync folders have been changed using the selective sync option. 
    Refer: Change folders you want to sync

Your WorkDrive sync folder is located in a folder that is used by the OS or another app
If your sync folder is located in a folder that's used by the OS or another app like Dropbox or Google Drive, sync icons for WorkDrive will not appear. Simply move the sync folder to another location on your system to resolve the problem.
You have installed the WorkDrive sync app without an admin password
Overlay icons will not appear when the WorkDrive sync app is installed by a standard user without the admin's password.
Re-install the WorkDrive sync app using an admin's password to fix the issue.
You have updated your OS version
Your recently updated OS version may rarely affect the WorkDrive settings file, which could prevent the overlay icons from working properly.
Re-install the WorkDrive sync app using an admin's password to fix the issue.
Improper Installation of the sync app
When app files were not downloaded properly, installation will be improper. This can cause the issue of missing overlay icons.
Re-install the WorkDrive sync app using an admin's password to fix the issue.

OS Specific Restrictions

When overlay icons do not appear in the WorkDrive sync folder, try doing the following:
Restart Windows Explorer (for Windows 8 and above)
1. Click the Start menu
2. Search for Task Manager, then press Enter.

The Task Manager window will open. You can also open this window by pressing Control-Shift-Escape.
3. Click Windows Explorer under Apps.
4. Click Restart at the bottom.
Update the Windows Registry
Windows Explorer can only load 11 overlay icons from the apps installed in your system. The overlay icons of WorkDrive have to be in the top 11 in order to be loaded by Windows Explorer in the sync folder.
The overlay icons are arranged in the alphabetical order. You can check the Windows Registry whether the overlay icons of WorkDrive are on top of the list. If you find the overlay icons of WorkDrive below the top 11, you can rearrange the order to bring them to the top.
Steps to update Windows Registry:
1. Press the Windows key + R and enter regedit.
2. Navigate to this path:


3. Right-click the Zoho WorkDrive overlay icon key one-by-one and rename it to move it to the top by adding required spaces in front of the name.

Alternatively, you can delete the overlay icon keys of other apps to move the WorkDrive icon keys to the top. Perform this action only if you are sure about it.

4. Restart Windows Explorer from the Task Manager. Refer here.
Open the WorkDrive sync folder, and the overlay icons should appear over its files and folders.
When overlay icons do not appear in the WorkDrive sync folder, make sure the extensions for WorkDrive is enabled.
To enable the extensions for WorkDrive:
Go to Extensions in your Mac system.
Mark the Finder Extensions checkbox under Zoho WorkDrive.
Even after enabling the WorkDrive extensions, if you still don't find the overlay icons, do the following:
Restart WorkDrive
1. Click the WorkDrive icon  in the system tray or menu bar. A small screen will open.
2. Click the Settings icon .
3. Select Quit.
4. Go to Launchpad and click the Zoho WorkDrive app to open.
Restart Finder
1. Click the Apple icon at the top of your screen
2. Click Force Quit.

The Force Quit Applications window will open. You can also open this window by pressing Command-Option-Escape.

3. Select Finder, then click Relaunch.
4. Click Relaunch again to confirm.
Overlay icons are not supported in Linux.

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