Modules and Fields

Modules and Fields

Modules in Bigin lets you categorize and keep track of various aspects of your business such as ContactsCompanies, and Deals. The data that's present in these modules are classified as records and the information of a particular record is known as fields

Contacts, Accounts, Deals are all modules, whereas first name, Last Name, Email, etc. are fields.
Let's understand what modules and fields are with an example:
Say, you have a collection of files which has information of your contacts, invoices, call logs, etc. stacked up in boxes, unorganized. When you need to grab a certain file, you won't be able to find it. All your valuable time is spent searching and it feels like searching for a needle in a haystack. 
A module is like a folder, named as Contacts and fields hold the information of a particular record such as Last name, email, phone, etc. In a business scenario, when a customer calls, you should be able to access his data which gives a heads up of whom you are dealing with.

Default module and fields

Default Modules
  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Deals
  • Activities
    • Task
    • Events 
    • Call
Default fields
The following table gives a list of supported fields in the appropriate modules along with their description.


Field Name


Data Type

Maximum Limit

Contact Info

First Name

First name of the contact.

Text Box

Alphanumeric (40)

Last Name*

Last Name of the contact. 

Text Box

Alphanumeric (80)

Title #

Job position of the contact.

Text box

Alphanumeric (50)

Account Name

Account related to the contact.



Email #

Primary email address of the contact.


Alphanumeric (100)

Mobile #

Mobile number of the contact.

Text Box

Alphanumeric (50)

Work phone #

Work phone number of the contact.

Text Box


Alphanumeric (50)


Home phone #

Home phone number of the contact.

Text Box


Alphanumeric (50)


Email opt out

If enabled, your contacts will no longer receive emails from your Bigin account.




Added details about the contact.

Text area

32000 Characters


Unique identifiers which differentiates a record.



Address Info

Mailing Street #

Primary address of the contact

Text Box

Alphanumeric (250)

Mailing City #

Alphanumeric (30)

Mailing State #

Alphanumeric (30)

Mailing Country #

Alphanumeric (30)

Mailing Zip Code #

Alphanumeric (30)





Social Profiles





Account Info

Field Name


Data Type 

Maxium Limit

Name* #

Name of the company.

Text Box

Alphanumeric (100)

Phone #

Phone number of the company.







Website #

Website of the company.




The industry to which the company belongs.




Unique identifiers which differentiates a record.



Address Info

Billing Address #

Primary address of the company.



Shipping Address #

Shipping address of the company.



Description Info


Added details about the company

Text area

32000 Characters


Field Name


Data Type

Maximum Limit

Deal Info

Deal Name

Name of the deal.

Text Box

Alphanumeric (120)

Deal Owner

Name of the user to whom the deal is assigned.



Account name

Name of the account to which the deal has to be created.



Related contacts

Contacts related to the deal








Sales stage.

Pick list



Amount expected after closing the deal.



Closing date

Expected closing date of the deal.

Date format



Added details about the deal.

Text area (Long text)



Unique identifiers which differentiates a deal.





Field Name


Data Type

Maximum Limit

Name (Subject)

Name of the task.

Text Box

Alphanumeric (50)


Details of the task.

Text area

32000 characters

Related to

Related contacts to this task.




Name of the user to whom the task is assigned.




Depicts the importance of the event.

Pick list



Status of the task.

Pick list


Due date 

Due date of the task.




Makes it a reoccurring activity.




Set reminder for the task.




Field Name


Data Type

Maximum Limit


Name of the event.




Added details about the event.




Location for the event.




Date and time when the event will be started.




Date and time when the event will end.



All day event 

Creates an event for one full day.




Makes it an reoccurring event.




Set reminder for the event.



Related To

Contacts related to this event.




Name of the user to whom the event is assigned.




List of people attending the event.




Field name


Data Type

Maximum Limit





Related to

Records to which the call is related to.

Pick list


Call start time

Displays the call start date and time.

Pick list



User associated with the call.



Call type

Whether the call is inbound or outbound.

Pick list


If call has been made in the past


Time duration of the call.




Outcome of the call.



Call result








If call is to be made in future













Custom fields

Create personalised fields in the module of your choice. 
The standard fields may not always satisfy your needs so, Bigin allows you to create fields based on your requirement. These fields will be available to all the users in your Bigin account.

  • Custom fields are supported only in Contacts, Accounts, and Deals module.
  • Maximum of 20 custom fields can be created in a module.
  • You can rename the custom fields but you cannot change Field Type (eg. Text, Integer, Date, etc.) of the custom fields.
    For instance, if you create a Text field, you cannot change the same to Integer field.

Types of custom fields

The custom fields are classified based on the type of data they hold. Certain field types are classified further into sub types. The following table displays all the fields and their corresponding sub types if any.

Field Type

Sub type


Single line #


Multi line


Number #


Long Number #






Auto number




Date picker


Date and time

Email #


Phone #





Single select


Multi select



  • You can create a maximum of 20 custom fields.

This field allows users to enter a text such as Name, Company, website, etc. They are categorized into two:
Single Line
It is a small box which allows you to enter single line of text. The text can be 255 Characters long. (Including blank space, symbols, etc.)
Multi Line
It is a large box which allows you to enter multiple lines of text. Pressing Enter/Return button on your keyboard takes the cursor to the next line for you to enter your text. It can be used for entering description, comments, etc.

To add a Text Field
  1. Login to Bigin with administrative privileges.
  2. Go to Setup > Fields.
  3. Select the module (Contacts/Accounts/Deals) of your choice and click on the custom fields tab.
  4. Click + Custom Field.
    In the Create Custom Fields popup do the following.
    • Enter the Field Label.
    • Select Text from the field type drop down list.
    • Choose Single Line or Multi Line from the sub type drop down list.
  5. You can mark the field as required by enabling the Required field checkbox.
  6. Click Save.

Custom picklist field allows users to select a value from the list you define. There are two types of picklist fields:
Single Select - Only one value can be chosen from the picklist.
Let's say you run an insurance company and James (your contact) wants to avail an Auto Insurance. You go to his record and select Auto Insurance from the insurance type picklist field, which displays a list of other type of insurance you offer.

Multi Select- Multiple values can be chosen from the picklist.
Let's say you own an electronic store and offer accessories as well. Your contact Abigail wants to purchase a Laptop and accessories such as Headphones, Speakers, Webcam. You go to her record and select ABC Laptop in the Product field and select the above Accessories from the multi-select picklist.

To add a picklist field
  1. Login to Bigin with administrative privileges.
  2. Go to Setup > Fields.
  3. Select the module (Contacts/Accounts/Deals) of your choice and click on the custom fields tab.
  4. Click + Custom Field.
  5. In the Create Custom Fields popup do the following:
    • Enter the Field Label.
    • Select Picklist from the field type drop down list.
    • Choose Single Select or Multi Select from the sub type drop down list.
    • Enter the picklist value.
      To add a new value click the + New button and add the new value.
  6. You can mark the field as required by enabling the Required field checkbox.
  7. You can also show picklist value in ascending order by enabling the checkbox.
  8. Click Save.

Custom field settings

Add field properties for the custom fields of your choice. The following actions can be performed on a custom field.
  • Add Custom Fields
  • Edit Custom Fields
  • Mark a Field as Required
  • Remove/Delete Custom Fields

Add Custom fields

Custom fields can be added in each module to capture specific data based on your requirement.

To create custom fields
  1. Login to Bigin with administrative privileges.
  2. Go to Setup >  Fields.
  3. Choose Contacts, Companies, or Deals module for which you would like to create a custom field and select custom fields tab.
  4. Click + Custom Field.
  5. In the create custom field pop up, specify the field name and choose the type of field from the drop-down list.
  6. Click save to create your field.
    Click save and new to save this field and create a new custom field. 

Edit Custom fields

Field once created can be edited anytime based on your requirement.

To edit custom fields
  1. Go to Setup >  Fields.
  2. Select the module (Contacts/Accounts/Deals)of your choice and click on the custom fields tab.
  3. Click the edit icon against the custom field that you would like to edit.
  4. Enter the new field name and click Save.
  • You can rename the custom fields but you cannot change Field Type (eg. Text, Currency, Date, etc.) of the custom fields.
    For instance, if you create a Text field, you cannot change the same to a date field.

Delete Custom Fields

Fields once created can be deleted when you don't need it anymore.
To delete a custom field
  1. Go to Setup >  Fields.
  2. Select the module in which you would like to delete a custom field.
  3. Click the delete icon against the custom field that you would like to delete.

Mark field as required

Certain fields are important and it's mandatory to be filled before saving. 

To mark a field as required
  1. Go to Setup >  Fields.
  2. Select the module in which you would like to mark the field as mandatory.
  3. Toggle the mandatory switch On against the field of your choice.
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