Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score (NPS) questions help measure the willingness of a customer to recommend a product or a service to others. NPS is now used as an alternative or supplement to customer satisfaction measurement and to rate a product within a constant score range (0-10). NPS divides the participants into three different buckets based on the range of scores they selected: Promoters (scale points 9 and 10), Passives (scale points 7 and 8), and Detractors (scale points 0 through 6). You can separate the scores based on the logic conditions and the bucket categories they fall into. You can also customize the end page of your survey by setting a logic. Read more on customizing end pages.

NPS question type


For NPS questions, the reports show a meter gauge chart with the details of responses under each of those categories and the final calculated NPS. It also displays the number of responses that fall under Passives, Detractors, and Promoters. The Individual Responses section shows the individual scores of the respondents.

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NPS questions also have the option to filter your responses based on the score. The filter helps you separate the scores as promoters, passives, and detractors. You can set question conditions and analyze the data for a particular set of respondents. It also helps you view the data for a subset of responses based on the conditions you set in the filter. Read more on managing filters.

Export as Sheet

You can now export all your NPS responses into a Zoho Sheet. The sheet can be embedded in an email too. For more export options, read on Export Reports.

How do I add an NPS question in my survey? 

  1. Click NPS in the question types listed on the left pane. You can also drag and drop the question type to the builder.
    Create online surveys
  2. In the Question box, type your question.
    • If you want to mark the question mandatory, select the Make this question mandatory checkbox.
    • If you want to make changes to the default Error message text that displays, edit the content in the text box.
    • If you want to pipe in custom variables or variables from previous questions and customize the follow up questions, click the arrow next to Insert Variable right above the Question box, and select the variable you want to use from the list. Read more on Piping.
  3. In the Answer section, name the highest and the lowest score labels. This is not a mandatory field.
  4. To know what more you can do with the question, click Advanced options. You can perform the following actions:
    • The auto-fill or prepopulate answer feature allows you to prepopulate single variable survey responses automatically before sending it to respondents. To prepopulate answers for a known respondent, select Prepopulate answer.
    • Question hint is used to add hints to your question and help your respondents get a clear idea on what your questions are all about. This feature is optional and is available only for certain types of questions.
      Add survey question hint
  5. To save the changes, click Save.
  6. To discard the changes, click Cancel.