

Notifications help every team stay informed about the activities performed in Jobs. Orchestly lets you manage email, web, and mobile notifications.

View and Manage your Notifications

  1. Navigate to   on the top band of the screen to view the notifications that you have received.
  2. Click    to navigate to Notification Settings. 
  3. You can choose to receive email notifications, push notifications, or both.
    • Push notifications include web and mobile notifications. 

  4. Click the All Notifications button to view the list of notifications you have received. 

Manage Notifications sent to Organization Users

Organization owner can centrally manage the notifications sent to all users in the organization. To update notification settings, 
  1. Navigate to your Profile in the upper-right corner of the page and select Organization Setup
  2. Select Preferences from the left panel.
  3. Under Manage Notifications, toggle the buttons to enable or disable job notifications and common transition notifications.
Learn more about managing notifications

Change Email Address in Notifications

Usually, email notifications from Orchestly are sent from a default no-reply email address. You can opt to modify this email address and personalize your notifications.
Learn more about changing email addresses in Customize Email Domain

When will Users receive Notifications?

Notifications received by the user will depend on their preferences in Notification Settings. 
  1. Job assignee (individual user or team) will receive notifications when a job is created, updated, or when a transition is performed.
  2. If a job does not have an assignee, all the users with view permission to the Layout will receive notifications when a job is created or updated.
  3. Users who are assigned transitions will receive notifications when a job is created or when the next transition of the job is assigned to them.
  4. Job requestor will receive notifications when the job is updated.

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