Organize tabs

Organize tabs

Organize the project tabs based on your choice. You can drag and drop the tabs to reorder and save the new order. In addition, this feature is also extended for client users.
  1. Click in the upper right corner of the top band.
  2. Navigate to Project Settings > Organize Tabs. Here, you can select a project and choose to show or hide specific modules in the selected project.
  3. Select Project for which the tabs are to be customized.
  4. In the Project Users section, you can configure the set of tabs that have to be hidden from the project users.
    • Switch off the unused tabs.
    • Drag and drop (reorder) the most used tabs in the way you want them to be.
    • Save the new order.
  5. In the Client Users section, you can configure the set of tabs that you would like to share with the clients. This way, they can view the information only from the tabs that have been enabled for them. Save the new order as and when needed.
  • When you switch off an enabled tab, it can't be accessed by anyone in the project.
  • The default tabs in grey can neither be disabled nor be reordered.

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