Overview of Guest Access

Overview of Guest Access

Guest Access    

The Guest Access feature lets your team work together with external stakeholders like investors, consultants, contract employees, etc. by adding them as guests, or restricted guests to one, or more groups in your Zoho Connect network. Guests and restricted guests need not have a Zoho account to be added to the network.
For example, a project consultant whom your team is working with can be added as a guest or restricted guest and given access only to groups related to the project. This way, it is easier for your team to collaborate with the consultant while still keeping the rest of your network hidden.
Guests and restricted guests are added by the network admins. They only have access to groups that they are added to and can only contact those members who belong to groups they are part of.
Guests and restricted guests can be invited to any number of networks. For each network, guest users will be given different login credentials.

Who are guests? 

Anyone outside of your network whom you collaborate with can be added as a guest. Guests will be listed under the Guests section, seen in the top-right corner of the Network wall page. Any member in the network can view the guest's profile and contact the guest.

Who are restricted guests?

Restricted guests are also people you work with outside of your network. They have the same privileges as guests, but restricted guests will not be listed under the Guests section. They can be contacted only by members of groups they belong to.

Guests and Restricted Guests can:  

  • Post, comment, start a poll and create events in groups they are added to.
  • @mention group members.
  • Access apps that are enabled in the group except for Files and Custom Apps.  
  • Access the network wall and forums, depending on the permissions set by the admin.
Guests can also be added as Contributors to a Manual.

Guests and Restricted Guests cannot:

  • Access the chat-bar at the bottom.
  • Contact members in the network except those in the groups they belong to.
Guests and restricted guests can access their network on mobile by downloading the Connect Portal app for their iOS and Android devices.

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