Overview of Jobs

Overview of Jobs

Jobs are created to request available solutions in an organization. To request a solution, users fill out forms, capturing the details of the solution. The job is then assigned to individual users, generally to be performed within a defined period.  

Say you need to book accommodation for an employee during their head office visit, you can create a job requesting the related solution. Based on the job parameters, a corresponding blueprint will

be mapped.

We provide you with default layouts and blueprints to help you understand better. You can create a job using the default Project Management Layout . Learn more about layouts and blueprints in Orchestly. 

Access privileges:  Admin users and other users with relevant Layout Permissions will be able to create jobs. 

Job Views

Jobs in Orchestly are displayed using two different views: List and Kanban. 

List View

This is the conventional view, where all the jobs are listed in chronological order, by default. 

  1. To navigate to list view, click   icon in the  Jobs tab.
  2. You can customize the columns that are displayed in the list view, as well as modify the order of the columns in ascending or descending sequences. 

Kanban View

Kanban view displays the active jobs available in the stages of specific layouts.
  1. Navigate to Jobs and click   icon.
  2. Choose a layout in the top-left corner of the left panel.  
  3. The stages available in this layout will be listed.
  4. Click on each stage to view the jobs active in them.

How to progress jobs using kanban view

  1. Click and drag a job in the kanban panel.
    1. The stages to which the selected job can be moved are highlighted.
    2. The other stages are blurred out.
  2. Drop the job in the desired stage.
  3. Confirm your action. 
  1. When a layout is selected, the stages of all the associated blueprints are listed in the kanban view. 
  2. Along with these stages, kanban view also lists the stages from the Task Blueprint, by default.  

Add job

  1. Navigate to the  Jobs tab and click the  Add Job  button.
  2. Select the Layout  under which you want to create the job.
  3. Enter the job details and click  Save
  • Jobs can be assigned only to individual users. 
  • It is not mandatory to assign a job to a user during job creation. Users can be assigned at later stages of the job.   
Beta Feature
Orchestly supports saving jobs as Draft versions. However, this feature is not enabled for all users. If you’d like to try it out, please email our support team for beta access. 

View job details

To view all the details of the job:
  1. Navigate to the  Jobs tab and select a job   that you would like to view the details of.
  2. The ensuing page will hold all the job   details like job name, job creator, associated layout, current stage, associated blueprint, fields, comments, and activities. 

Job fields


This field holds the job's title. You can modify the title only if you have both the  Edit permission on the job and the  Read/Write permission for the particular field.  Learn more about Job - Level  and Field-Level  edit permissions.


A short description about the job can be mentioned here. You can only modify the description if you have both  Edit permission on the job and  Read/Write permission for the particular field. 


This field holds the team that can take up the job. The assignee will be a user from this team. The job can be picked up by any user from the team.


This field holds the user responsible for handling the job. You will not need  Edit permission to modify this field.
  • The user can pickup a job: 
    • When the user view Permissions   in the current layout and also has the  Assign permission under the Jobs to me category.
    • When the user is an Admin .
    • When the user is part of the assigned Team .

  • The user can assign a job to other users:
    • When the user is an assignee of the job and also has  Assign permission under the  My jobs to others category.
    • When the user has the  Assign permission under the  Jobs to others category.
    • When the job is assigned to your Team .

Due on 

This field holds the job's due date. You can only modify the due date if you have both  Edit permission on the job and  Read/Write permission for the particular field. 


The priority of the job can be specified here. It helps the assignee prioritize his work diligently. You can only modify the field if you have both  Edit permission on the job and  Read/Write permission for the particular field. 


Any file related to the job can be attached here. The size of the attachment must be lesser than 65 MB. You can only modify the field if you have both  Edit permission on the job and  Read/Write permission for the particular field. 


You will be able to view and perform transitions in the job if you are a Transition Owner .

Other fields

Other custom fields designed in the layout can only be edited if you have both the  Edit permission on the job as well as the  Read/Write permission for the particular field.


User-made comments on the job are displayed here. To edit these comments, the user should have both the  Edit permission on the job as well as the  Read/Write permission for the comment field.


All the actions performed on the job are displayed as Activities . Every user will be able to view all user activities except the ones performed on fields with the  Hide permissions. 

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