Personal Account Settings

Personal Account Settings

Users in many organizations work from different locations, across different time zones and geography. Each user can set up their personal preferences in Zoho. You can personalize and manage the settings in your Zoho Workerly account that includes defining a country locale, language, time zone, date format, etc. Certain operations that you perform in Zoho Accounts, will be updated automatically in the personal settings of Zoho Workerly and vice versa.

Change Personal Information

You can change your personal details such as name, phone number, website, date of birth, address, language, time format, time zone, etc.

To change personal details

  1. Go to Setup > General Personal Settings.
  2. In the Personal Settings page, click Edit icon for the corresponding section.
  3. Modify the personal details in the Account Information pop-up as required. (Refer to the table below)
  4. Click Save.

List of Standard Fields

Field NameDescriptionData Type
First NameSpecify the first name of the user.Text box
Last Name*Specify the last name of the user. This field is a mandatory field.Text box
AliasSpecify the other name of the user.Text box
Role*Select the role (for example, Administrator, Agent, and others). This is a mandatory field. You can change this value only if you have the Admin profile.Pick list
Profile*Select the profile. This is a mandatory field. You can change this value only if you have an Admin profile.Pick list
Email*Display the primary E-mail ID of the user. This field can be updated in Zoho Accounts.Email
WebsiteSpecify the website URL of the user.URL
PhoneSpecify the official phone number of the user.Pick list
MobileSpecify the mobile phone number of the user.Text box, integer value
FaxSpecify the FAX number of the user.Text box
Date of BirthSelect the date of birth of the user from the mm/dd/yyyy drop-down listDate box
StreetSpecify the primary address of the ZohoTempstafing user.Text box
CitySpecify the name of the city where the user lives.Text box
StateSpecify the name of the state where the user lives.Text box
ZipSpecify the postal code of the user's address.Text box, integer value
CountrySpecify the name of the user's country.Text box
Language*Select the language. This field is a mandatory field.Pick list
Time FormatSpecify your time format (12 Hours or 24 Hours). This field is a mandatory field.Pick list
Time Zone*Select the time zone in which you are working. This field is a mandatory field.Pick list

Change Locale Information

Based on the country locale, you can mention the language for your account. Also, choose between 12 hr time format and 24 hr time format in the Workerly account. The date format is automatically updated with the country locale that you select. The following international date formats are supported:

  • dd-mm-yyyy
  • mm-dd-yyyy
  • yyyy-mm-dd

To change language, country locale, time format and time zone.

  1. Go to Setup > General Personal Settings.
  2. In the Personal Settings page, click Edit icon for the Locale Information section.
  3. Choose the value from the corresponding drop-down lists.
  4. Click Save.

Change Name Format

By default, the name format is set as <Salutation> <First Name> <Last Name>. However, you can change the name format as per naming conventions used in your country.

Example: In the USA the name format is generally <Salutation> <First Name> <Last Name> whereas in Japan the format is <Last Name> <First Name> <Salutation>

To change name format

  1. Go to Setup > General Personal Settings.
  2. Under the Name Format section, drag and drop the SalutationFirst Name and Last Name to change the order.
  3. Click Save.

Change Password

Zoho provides Single Sign-on service, and so if you change the password for Zoho Workerly, it will be changed for all Zoho Services. You can change the password from Zoho Accounts. Please note that you cannot change the password for other users.

To change password

  1. Click Settings icon and then click My Account.
  2. In the Zoho Accounts page, click Security.
  3. In the Password page, enter your Current Password and New Password in the corresponding fields.
  4. Click Save.
    The New Password gets updated and should be used to sign in to all Zoho Services.

Use Signature

While sending emails to your customers, you can embed a signature automatically in the body of the message. Signatures can be customized as per your requirements.

To use the signature feature

  1. Go to Setup > General > Personal Settings.
  2. In the Personal Settings page, click Edit icon for the Signature section
  3. Specify the signature in the HTML editor.
    To use the signature in emails, you need to enable the Add User Signature checkbox in the email template.
  4. Click Save.

Add Logo in your Signature

You can also add a logo in your signature by providing the image source in the HTML code.

To add a logo in your signature

  1. Go to Setup > General > Personal Settings.
  2. In the Personal Settings page, click Edit icon for the Signature section
  3. In the editor pop-up box, click  to select an image and insert.
  4. Click Save.

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