Pipelines in Bigin

Pipelines in Bigin

For any business, deals generate the revenue needed for the organization. In order to close the deal with your customer on a winning note, you need to have a suitable sales process. 
Bigin allows you to replicate the sales process as pipelines. Every deal has to go through the complete sales cycle, to be either won or lost. 
You need to traverse through a series of stages in pursuit of winning a business deal. However, these set of stages may not be the same for all kinds of deals in an organization. For instance, your business might sell multiple products and deals for each product might require different sets of stages. To solve this we recommend Pipelines. Each pipeline contains a group of stages. When you create a deal you can choose which pipeline that deal should belong to, which will decide the set of stages it has to traverse through. 

Creating Pipeline

To create Pipeline
  1. Go to Settings > Pipeline.
    You will have a default pipeline.
  2. Click + New Pipeline.
  3. Enter the Name of the pipeline in the textbox on the top.
  4. Enter the Stages of your choice or select the one of your choice from the drop-down list.

  5. Click  or  to add more stages, and to delete a stage.
  6. Hover over the stage, click and drag the stage to re-order.  

  7. Click Save.
  • You can create a maximum of 5 pipelines
  • The maximum number of stages you have in a pipeline is 50, including default stages.
  • Closed Won and Closed lost are default stages and they cannot be altered.

Edit pipeline

To edit a pipeline
  1. Go to Setup > Pipeline.
    All your pipelines will be displayed. 
  2. Hover over the pipeline you want to edit and click the Edit icon.

  3. Make the appropriate changes and click Save
To delete a pipeline
  1. Go to Setup > Pipeline.
    All your pipelines will be displayed.
  2. Hover over the pipeline you want to delete.
  3. Click the Delete icon.

Choosing a pipeline at the time of Deal Creation

When you have multiple pipelines created, to cater the different business process carried out in your organization, you need to choose the appropriate pipeline for that particular deal. 
Let's say you own a technology company, which sells, Mobile phones, Laptops, Personal Computers. You cater for both B2B and B2C. Now the sales process will be different for them. In that case, while creating a deal, you have to select the appropriate pipeline.
To choose the appropriate pipeline while creating a deal
  1. Login to Bigin and select the Deals module. 
  2. Click Create deal.
  3. In the pipeline drop-down, select the appropriate pipeline for the deal.
  4. Fill the other details and click Save.
Moving a deal through stages
A pipeline has many stages. Doing the necessary actions will determine how the deal travels in your sales pipeline.

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