Poll Library

Poll Library

The Poll Library shows all the poll questions that you have created. Here you can see the input type you've chosen for each question, review or change input settings such as character limits, and edit or delete questions.

View Poll Library

To view the Poll Library:
  1. Click the Library icon in the left-hand panel.
  2. Select the Polls tab.
  3. Click a question to display its input settings.

Create a Poll

To create a poll:
  1. Click the Library icon in the left-hand panel.
  2. Select the Polls tab.
  3. Click Create Poll at the top right corner.
  4. Choose a poll format: Multiple Choice, Text box, or Rating. (Learn more about creating polls.)
  5. Enter your question.
  6. Choose your input settings (options are based on the poll format you've chosen).
  7. Click Create.

Edit or Delete a Poll Question

You can also edit or delete the created polls in your organization, Click on the Polls tab in the Library and edit, delete your polls using the icons beside the poll. 

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