Portal home

Portal home

The Home displays the most sought-after stats across your projects in the form of widgets. You can view a comprehensive list of the status of all the work items across all the projects in your portal.

Home - Overview

Click the Home tab in the top band of your portal to view the status of your work across projects in terms of tasks, issues, milestones, events, etc. The following is the complete list of widgets that are present in the Home of your portal.

  1. My Overview - Graphical representation of your overall status in tasks, issues, and milestones across projects.
  2. My Tasks - Tasks you own across projects. Click View More to view all your tasks. You can also filter your tasks based on task custom views that you have created across projects. However, you cannot create a task custom view from My Tasks
  3. My Issues - Issues you need to resolve across projects.
  4. Overdue Work Items - Work items across projects past the due date.
  5. My Milestones - An overview of your milestones across projects.
  6. Today's Work Items - Work items scheduled for the current day across projects.
  7. Global Reports - Chronology Gantt, Milestone Gantt, and the Resource Utilization Chart across projects.
  8. My Timesheet - Graphical representation of the time log entries made in the past 7 days.
  9. My Events - Events scheduled for the current week.

The Today's Work Items widget and the Overdue Work Items widget clearly display the list of work items that are in the pipeline and that have gone past the due date respectively. By default, these widgets display the data for both the tasks and issues. You can choose to view only the tasks or only the issues by selecting the specific option from the drop-down.

You can drag a widget and swap its position with another. This repositioning will help you have the widgets that you need the most always on top.

Home - Detailed View

To get a detailed view of the My Tasks, My Milestones, My issues, My Events, and My Timesheet widgets, click the View More button in the upper right corner of the respective widgets. Hover over the widget name in the detailed view and navigate to the other widgets from the detailed view itself.

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