Predefined Merge Tags

Predefined Merge Tags

You can personalize your messages with your recipients’ name, address and other details by using merge tags. Merge Tags are smart tags that pull data directly from your mailing list into your email message. You can personalize the subject and/or the content.

Make use of custom field data and address them in your campaigns. We allow you to define a value to address them in your emails and value for your social campaigns. If you’ve mapped contact details, we will add the data in your campaign, else, what you define is what they see.

  • $[FNAME]$ - This tag can be used if you are very sure that your contact’s first name is mapped to the contact details field. Only then, will your contacts be addressed with their first name. If there is no value defined, then, it would be replaced by "Customer". This tag is not editable.
  • $[FNAME|Customer|Guest]$ - This tag is similar to the one above. If your contact’s first name is mapped to the contact field, your contact’s will be addressed with their first name. If not, they will be addressed as Customer in your email campaign and Guest in your social campaign.

This tag is editable. Which means, if you want to address your contacts as Contact as their first name, all you need to do is replace Customer with Contact in the tag as given - $[FNAME|Contact|Guest]$

How to add merge tags in your email campaign?

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, click Email Campaigns and choose the type of campaign.
  2. Select one of our content options such as designed templates or HTML editor in Email Campaign creation.
  3. In Merge Tags dropdown, select a tag.
    merge tag dropdown
  4. Select the tag you want.
  5. Click Save and Proceed once the content is ready.

Contact Detail Tags

Pre-defined tags allow you to use three different fields - Email, First Name, and Last Name.

contact detail tag

Use cases

Start creating your email campaign, at the editor all you need to do is first decide, how you want to address your contacts. Decide whether email, first name or last name.

  1. Select one of our content options such as designed templates, or HTML editor or any other option.
  2. In Merge Tags section, select Contact Merge Tag from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click on the tag you want.
  4. Copy and paste the tag in your content.
  5. Click Save and Proceed.
    contact detail tag

For e.g., If you want to address your contacts with their Last Name, click on the tag $[LNAME]$ or $[LNAME|Customer|Guest]$ and copy, paste the tag in your content configuration field.

You can provide an option to print the email campaign using Merge tags. These merge tags make your contacts to print your email campaign. Let’s have a look at these tags.

$[ET:PRINTLINK]$ - This is displayed in the form of a link to print the email campaign.
$[ET:PRINTICON]$ - This is displayed in the form of icon to print the email campaign.
$[ET:PRINTICON|Print|Print this]$ - This is also displayed in the form of an icon with Print as hover message.

print tags

Comment Tags

You can provide an option to recipients to post comments on email campaign using Merge tags. Let’s have a look at these tags.

$[ET:COMMENTS_LINK]$ - This is displayed in the form of a link to add comments in an email campaign.
$[ET:COMMENTS_ICON]$ - This is displayed in the form of icon to add comments in an email campaign.
$[ET:COMMENTS_ICON|Comments|Add comments]$ - This is displayed in the form of an icon with hover comment as Add Comment in an email campaign.

comment merge tag

In the Header and Footer section, you can find the display links which determines the background information such as sender of the email and also provides the usability of the document to end customers through quick links.

  • Subscribe: This option allows the recipients for receiving email notifications, updates and newsletters.
  • Unsubscribe: This option will let the contact to unsubscribe from your list and the contact will be moved to the do-not-mail registry. This is done so that such contacts stop receiving emails and you maintain a clean list.
  • Opt out from organization: This option will let contacts choose to opt out from the organization. If contacts opt out, they should not receive any kind of emails from the organization.
  • Tell-A-Friend: This option allows the recipient to forward a friend about the content.
  • Update Profile: This option allows the customer to update his profile.
  • View in Browser Option: This is the banner of an email Campaign and provides an option to open the email in a separate browser.
  • Company address: This tag will display the address of the organization in the footer of the campaign.
  • List description: With list description, you can let your contacts know how and why you have contacted them. (if one was added during list creation)
  • Contact Preference: You can let your contacts refine their preference about the topics that they are interested in. (you can customize your contact preference page under Consent Management)
  • Privacy Policy: Attach the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use of your organization in the footer of your emails with this merge tag.
  • Imprint: Attach the imprint information in the email footer with this tag. (you can update this information in your company profile under Settings)
  • Consent: This option will get the consent of a contact. It is used to ensure that contacts are genuinely interested in receiving emails from you.
    header footer tag

Moreover, if you don't want to reflect these in your Header & Footer section, you can make use of Merge Tags to embed the Header & Footer links within your campaign content.

Use case

My contacts say that they are still receiving email campaigns after they unsubscribed. How can this be resolved?

Opt-in contacts can use theUnsubscribe link to remove themselves from the mailing list they signed up for. When they unsubscribe from a mailing list, they also have the option to remove themselves from the organization, which will remove them from all mailing lists. Ask your contacts to choose the Remove from the Org option to unsubscribe from all mailing lists in your organization, and they will no longer receive any emails from you. 

  • If you plan to import your campaign, please copy, paste relevant merge tags in your HTML before importing
  • If you select HTML editor/Text editor please copy, paste relevant tags corresponding to their respective position within your content.

Subject-based Merge Tags

Personalization of the subject is one of the widely used techniques to grab the recipient’s attention. The purpose of a subject line is simple; it has to make the contacts to catch their attention. Apart from salutations,and content, it is the subject line which plays a crucial role in increasing the open rate of an email, significantly. You can personalize your subject by adding the recipient’s name, company or other details by using our easy-to-use Merge Tags.

Usage of First Name in Subject Line

Everyone loves their name, and when an email with a subject line referring your name is mentioned, it arouses curiosity to open the email rather than the scan & delete method. You can personalize your subject line by inserting the merge tag for your first name $[FNAME|Contact]$. In personalization of subject line, the merge tag for the first name is inserted in the subject line.

  • Avoid using email address on your subject line.
  • Always make your subject line crisp and directly hit the bull’s eye.
  • Always go for a default value in the merge tags so that it can replace if the first name is not updated in the contact list.
  • You can also use the last name in subject merge tags.

Use case

How can I personalize my subject line using my contact's name?

You can personalize the subject line by inserting the merge tag for the contact's first name $[FNAME|Contact]$. When your contacts see their own name in an email subject line, it will awaken their curiosity and make them more likely to open the email, rather than just ignore or delete without opening.

Learn more about campaign customization through merge tags

List Info Tags

These merge tags pull the information from your list details.

list info tag

Coupon Merge Tags

Coupon Merge Tags are used to generate unique coupon codes rather than sending the same coupon to all contacts.

You can view the coupon merge tags in the merge tags section of your content creation page. Copy the Merge tags associated with the coupon and paste it in the template.

coupon details

You can apply text formatting to the merge tag, which will be reflected in the merge tag data. For example, $[CT:COUPONCODE]$ will be displayed as CUPON CODE in your email campaign.
Note: When applying a style to a merge tag, ensure that you select the full merge tag. If you apply text formatting to part of a merge tag only, it won't work.

Learn more about coupon campaigns

Survey Merge Tags

Survey Merge Tags are used to generate the survey name and survey link in the content section of your survey campaign.

survey merge tag

You can view the survey name and link in the merge tags section of your content creation page. Copy the Merge tags associated with Survey name and Survey link and paste it in the template.

survey  tag

Use case

How can I embed my survey link in the email content for a survey campaign?

You can use survey merge tags to do this. Survey merge tags are used to embed the survey name and survey link in the content section. You can view the survey name and link in the merge tags section of your content creation page. Copy the merge tags for the survey name and survey link and paste them in the template.

Learn more about survey campaigns

  1. When you send a survey-based campaign to your contacts, we append tracking parameters to the campaign. These parameters generates the open and click-through rates of the survey. However, when you send a test email for a survey-based campaign, the tracking parameters will not be effective and you will not be able to view the open and click metrics for a test campaign.
  1. Similarly, if you have a contact specific merge tag in the test email, the tag's value will not be replaced by the field value. This is applicable only to the test emails that you send. The merge tag values will be replaced when you send a regular survey-based campaign after verification.

Using CRM Data to Personalize Sender Details

Using Zoho Campaigns, you can send an email campaign with a personalized sender name and email address of a Contact/Lead owner who is assigned with that record in CRM.

Note:  To avail this enhancement, the user must have integrated the Zoho CRM account and have at least one active sync running.

Using CRM Data to Personalize Campaign Content

You can personalize your email content using CRM based merge tags which automatically pulls information from your CRM account. All you need is to add the relevant merge tags in your campaign content which provides dynamic content to individual message.

The merge tags pulls specific data from CRM based on how the information is requested within the email content which means you need to be cautious in placing the merge tags in an appropriate way.

These are the merge tags which will fetch the information from the CRM account:

crm related tag

  • If the record field has a missing data, you can provide a default value to replace the missing information in email content. For instance, if the merge tag for account manager's name is $[CRM: CONTACTOWNER]$, you can add a default value and social default value similar to this $[CRM:CONTACTOWNER | Patricia Boyle | Patricia]$
  • If you change the owner in CRM, you will need to re-activate the non-periodic syncs to update owner details in $[CRM:OWNER_EMAIL]$ and $[CRM:OWNER_NAME]$ tags.

Use case

1. I have imported some fields from CRM using sync and I want to display them when I send campaigns to my mailing lists. How can I do this?

You can display the data from imported fields using custom fields and merge tags. Create a merge tag and choose the custom field that you have imported from CRM.
For example, you've imported a field "Skype ID" from CRM into a custom field named Skype_id. You will have to create a "SKYPE" merge tag for the custom field. Then you can use the merge tag to display the Skype ID in your campaigns.

2. What are the email and social default values?

The email default value is the filler value that will appear in email campaigns if a field is empty. The social default value is the filler value that will appear in social campaigns or campaigns that are shared socially if a mapped field is empty. It is similar to the email default value, but for social campaigns. For example, if the field $[UD:CITY]$ has no value and the social default value is City, then social campaigns will have City wherever the city merge tag is used.

Using vCard merge tags

You can be added as a safe sender in your contact's inbox by including a vCard tag in your email content. vCard is an attachment with the sender's contact details. If you add this merge tag in your email campaign, your contact details will be sent as an attachment. In Gmail and Outlook, when contact clicks on the attachment, you will be added as a contact. Additionally, a download link is also sent, contacts can make use of this link if the attachment is not supported. You can choose the Insert Link option to customize the link.

vcard merge tag

Note:  For other email service providers, contacts have to download the attachment and add it to their address book manually.

Merge tags are not working in my test email. Am I missing something?

Merge tags do not work in test emails. If you check your test email, you can find the merge tags as given below:



If you want to test merge tags in an email campaign, we suggest you create a mailing list by name "Test List" and send an email campaign to the test list.

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