


Zoho FSM offers profile-based pricing.

Click here to read about user profiles in Zoho FSM.

- Upgrade and downgrade amount calculations are done on a pro rata basis.
- Zoho FSM offers a trial period of 15 days with 10 free users.

Purchase a subscription

To purchase a subscription:
  1. Log in to Zoho FSM.
  2. Click the profile icon at the top-right corner and select Subscription.

  3. Click Upgrade.

    Use the toggle switches to select the currency and billing frequency for the subscription.

  4. Select the number of users of the type you wish to purchase, then click Pay Amount.

  5. Enter the address and card details, then click Proceed to Pay.
    If in the subscription Home page, and the currency selected is Rupee, an additional field titled Are you registered for GSTIN? will be displayed.
    If you select Yes, you will need to enter the GSTIN. If you select No, choose either Individual or Non Registered Business.

    You can return to any previous steps and make edits. The current step in the wizard that the user is in will be highlighted, while the step they can return to display the edit [] icon.

  6. After the payment is successful, the following page will be displayed:

    Click Go to CRM to return to the application. Click View Subscription to go to the Subscription Details (see screenshot below) page.

Upgrade a subscription

  1. Log in to Zoho FSM.
  2. Click the profile icon at the top-right corner and select Subscription.
  3. In the Subscription Details page, select the number of user types you want to purchase, then click Upgrade.

The total amount for the upgrade and the total recurring amount will be displayed. After a successful upgrade, the Subscription Details will display. For example, suppose the upgrade for one dispatcher and two field technicians is performed on September 30th, after a purchase on the same day. The initial purchase was done for two dispatchers and five field technicians which amounts to a subscription price of 25*2 + 12*5 = $110. The pro rata price for the upgrade is 25*1 + 12*2 = $49. Therefore the recurring amount (the amount to be paid on the next renewal date ) would be the 110 + 49 = $159.

After a successful upgrade, an email notification will be sent with the details.

Downgrade a subscription

  1. Log in to Zoho FSM.
  2. Click the profile icon at the top-right corner, then select Subscription.
  3. In the Subscription Details page, select the number of User types you want to remove, then click Downgrade.

After a successful downgrade, the subscription details will be displayed and an email notification will be sent with the relevant details. For any refunds, please contact Zoho FSM Support Team.

Cancel subscription

  1. Log in to Zoho FSM.
  2. Click the profile icon at the top-right corner and select Subscription.
  3. In the Subscription Details page, click Cancel Subscription.
  4. Click Yes to continue.

Update Card Details

  1. Log in to Zoho FSM.
  2. Click the profile icon at the top-right corner , then select Subscription.
  3. In the Subscription Details page, click Update Card Details.
  4. In the Update Card Details overlay, enter the new card details and the address and click Proceed to Pay.