Pricing and subscriptions

Pricing and subscriptions

Can I use Zoho ShowTime on a free trial?

Yes! ShowTime offers a free trial of our professional plan for 15 days so you can explore our product with the full set of feature. During the free trial, you can upgrade to any of our paid plans. If you don't choose to upgrade you will be moved automatically to the Basic (Free) plan after the trial expires and you will not be charged.

Do I need a credit card to access the free trial?

No. You simply need to sign up and start using ShowTime.

How can I upgrade my account?

Zoho ShowTime offers a monthly plan and a yearly plan. If you’re using Zoho ShowTime on a trial or if you're on a free plan and would like to upgrade to a paid  plan, follow the steps below:

There are two ways to upgrade your plan:
Through the plan details:

  1. Click the Settings icon in the left panel.
  2. Select Plan Details. Your current plan details and voice usage information will load here.
  3. Click on Upgrade now. This will display the Subscription page which enables you to subscribe to a Professional plan.
Through the Upgrade now link:
  1. Click on the Upgrade Now link in the top-right corner of your Zoho ShowTime page.
  2. This will display the subscription page where you can subscribe to a paid plan.

    Subscribe to a paid plan in four easy steps:

Step 1. Upgrade to a paid plan -
  1. Select a currency mode such as INR or Dollars.
  2. Choose a monthly or a yearly plan.
  3. Click Upgrade.
Step 2. Plan details -
  1. Select whether the frequency of the payment is Monthly or Yearly. The selected plan and the amount charged for the plan will load.
  2. Click Continue once you have verified the total amount to be paid.
Step 3. Review order -
  1. Review your order summary based on the selected plan details.
  2. Click Confirm to make the payment.
Step 4. Make a payment -
  1. Enter your credit card details and click Make Payment.
  2. Upon successful payment, a pop-up will appear asking if you would like to visit the subscription page or the ShowTime page.
  3. You will receive a copy of the payment invoice to your registered Zoho email address.                          

How do I view the invoices for my Zoho ShowTime subscription?  

There are two ways to view the invoice:

To view the invoices for your Zoho ShowTime subscription:
  1. Log in to using your registered email address and password.
  2. Click on Transactions in the top-right corner to see all the records associated with your Zoho ShowTime subscription.
To view the invoices via the plan details:
  1. Click the Setting icon in the left-hand pane.
  2. Select Plan details. Your current plan and usage information will load.
  3. Click Invoices in the Transaction History section to see all the records associated with your Zoho ShowTime subscription.

How do I downgrade my account?

To cancel your subscription:
  1. Select the Help icon and choose Subscription.
  2. Hover the cursor over your current subscription details and click Upgrade/Downgrade Plan.
This will open a window where you will have the option to cancel your subscription right away or to wait until the end of the current billing cycle for the cancellation to take effect. Confirm your downgrade by clicking the link. Your existing data will remain in read-only mode; you will not be able to add new data.

What should I do if my Zoho ShowTime subscription fails to auto-renew?

If your current subscription is failing to auto-renew, please try upgrading your subscription manually.
To do so:
  1. Click Upgrade Now in the top-right corner of your dashboard.
  2. Choose a paid plan and click the Upgrade button.
  3. Enter your new card details and pay for the subscription.

What are the features available on the free plan?

  • Unlimited attendees can join your session for free.
  • Create unlimited presentations.
  • Live polling, with a maximum of 3 polls.
  • Slide 'likes.'
  • Virtual Q&A sessions.
  • Real-time feedback and rating.
  • Basic talk analytics.
  • Publish a session (Face-to-Face Session).
  • Trainer profiles.

What are the features available on the paid plans? How much does it cost?

In addition to everything in the free plan:
  • Detailed engagement analytics.
  • In-app chat.
  • Unlimited polls.
  • Individual poll analytics.
  • Q&A metrics.
  • Text reply to audience questions.
  • Audience list export.
  • Individual feedback and rating details.
  • Fix Attendee limit
  • Customize Registration
  • Embed registration form in your site
  • HD recording
  • The paid plan starts from $25.00 for a month and $250 for the annual subscription.
Note: You get two month free if you opt for the annual plan.

How do I change my payment method from annual to monthly?

At present, you cannot change your payment method from annual to monthly or vice versa.

How do I cancel my subscription?

  • Click the Help icon and select Subscription. You will be redirected to Zoho's payments page. Here, you can view your current plan.
  • Click the Change plan link to the right of your current plan.
  • Click the Cancel my subscription link at the bottom of the page.
Your plan will automatically be changed to a Pay as You Use plan with zero email credits.

How do I cancel my Zoho ShowTime trial?

1. Log on to and click your image in the top-right corner of the page.
2. Click Cancel Trial and enter your email address and password to cancel your Zoho ShowTime trial.

Note: Once the trial expires, you will moved to the free plan and you will not be charged.

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