Publish and execute Blueprints

Publish and execute Blueprints

Publish blueprints

Several conditions need to be satisfied for a blueprint to be complete and fit to publish:
  • The first stage must always be open.
  • Every stage must be linked to the start stage.
  • Every stage must have an incoming transition.
  • Every stage must be connected to one or more stages.
  • All outgoing transitions from a stage must have a unique name.
  • Every stage must have a path to reach the closed stage.
  • If stages are being re-used in one or more blueprints, their corresponding stage types must also be the same.  
  • After a blueprint is published, the stage types cannot be modified.

Once the stages and transitions are set, click the  Publish button to publish your blueprint.
If the blueprint is not published, the draft version gets automatically saved. 

Execute blueprints

Blueprints get executed once they are mapped to jobs. When a new job is created, it's mapped to a published blueprint with a matching criteria. Users with permissions to perform the job will be able to view the blueprint’s transitions as buttons in the job page.

To perform a transition:
  1. Navigate to the Jobs tab and select the job to be executed.
  2. If you have valid permissions to execute the job, you will be able to view all the Next transition(s).
  3. Click the transition name that you need to perform. 
  4. Confirm your action. 

Once a transition is performed, the job progresses to the next stage in the blueprint, and the associated actions, such as triggering emails, updating fields, triggering webhooks, and associating custom functions, get executed. 

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