Publishing your signup form

Publishing your signup form

This is the final phase of the signup form creation process. By this point, you have customized your form and relevant thank you pages. 

We provide some options to share your signup form, including embedding it on your website, sharing it on social networking sites, posting a direct URL, and including a signup form for our WordPress users, etc.

To publish your signup form:

  1. From the Navigation bar choose Leads and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click Forms subtab.
  3. Click the signup form you want to publish.
  4. ​Click Publish Options.

Website Code

This is a conventional way to add signup forms to your website. Just copy the generated code and paste it wherever you want the signup form displayed on your website.

WordPress Code

The Zoho MarketingHub plugin for WordPress allows your blog visitors to subscribe to a mailing list. Your signup forms can be embedded in your website/blog with just a short bit of code.

Including header to website’s header.php – For WordPress users

If you have a WordPress- based website, you'll need to add the script part of your signup form code into the header section of your website for your signup form to work properly.

To apply this JavaScript to every page of your site, you can add either the call for the JavaScript or the script itself to your header.php template file—between the meta tags and the style sheet link—just as you would if you were using JavaScript in a typical HTML page. 

"To use JavaScript repeatedly within your site, you can either set the call for the JavaScript, or the script itself, in the head of your header.php template file, between the meta tags and the style sheet link, no differently than you would if you were using JavaScript in any HTML page."  

Short URL

Here, the signup form is in the form of a URL that can be posted social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Upon clicking the link, the user will be redirected to a page with the signup form.


This is the simplest way to subscribe to mailing lists. The signup form is in the form of a call-to-action button and is a great way to generate leads at events and webinar registrations.


Raw HTML is the basic HTML code that does not contain CSS or JavaScript. You can customize the code to your requirements.


Embedding a No CSS code for your signup form will not have any form of design that is provided by Zoho MarketingHub. You can however modify the code to your requirements.

No Javascript

Embedding a No JavaScript code for your signup form will not include CAPTHCA, tracking code, multiple list subscription, and date field in your signup form.

Facebook Page

If your Facebook page has been integrated with Zoho MarketingHub, you can embed the signup form as a tab in your Facebook page. This way, your fans and visitors can sign up and be added to your Zoho MarketingHub mailing lists.  

To add a signup form on your Facebook page:

  1. Go to Publish Options and click Facebook Page.
  2. Click Associate.
  3. Select your Facebook account page from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click Save and Publish.
  5. The signup form will be published on your Facebook page.You can view the form by clicking Visit my Facebook Page. 

Iframe Code

If you are not interested in embedding the JavaScript code, we do provide the option to publish your signup form through iframe. An iframe is an HTML section embedded within another HTML section of a webpage.

  1. Go to Publish Options and click Iframe Code.
  2. Select Get Code and click iFrame Code.
  3. Copy the iframe code and paste it into your website's HTML. Make sure to adjust the form's width and height dimensions before publishing it to your website.

QR Code

A matrix barcode which is scannable by mobile phones in order to access the signup form. Visitors can scan the QR code to get redirected to your signup form.

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