Quick guide on epics

Quick guide on epics

This quick guide will help you get started with epics. Here, you'll get a quick read-through on why your team needs epic to help work things out effectively. 

Why should I create an epic?

An epic is an entity that helps you group similar sets of user stories in order to make your work easier. For example, say you have a big chunk of work (a large user story) in your project, which is broken down into smaller set of work items. In this case, you could consider the larger user story to be your epic and associate similar stories to it. This would help segregate the goals of the project in a meaningful and clear way. Epics are also used when there are larger user stories in the project that cannot be completed in a single iteration. These user stories are grouped under an epic and run across multiple sprints.

When should I plan for an epic?

The best time to plan for an epic is during  your sprint plan meeting. The admin and project manager can create an epic, group the similar set of prioritized work items, and associate them to the epic. Once all the work items in the epic are completed, so is the epic. 

Five steps to work with epics 

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