Refreshing and deactivating the Sandbox

Refreshing and deactivating the Sandbox

When your Sandbox setup is not in sync with the Production setup, any "test" that you conduct in your Sandbox will not be relevant when deployed to production. What worked in Sandbox may go wrong in your production setup as both versions would not be in sync. So it is important that you always update your Sandbox settings.
Zoho Recruit lets you update Sandbox by using a Refresh Sandbox option.
To refresh Sandbox,
  1. Go to Setup > Developer Space > Sandbox.
  2. Click the Refresh Sandbox button on the top right.
    The Sandbox environment will be updated with the latest settings in the Production environment. 
  1. You can refresh Sandbox only once in 3 days.
  2. Any changes you have made in the Sandbox settings which are not yet deployed to Production will be lost when you refresh the Sandbox. All settings will be replaced with those in the Production setup.
  3. Also, all data added in Sandbox as well as settings that are not yet available for deployment from Sandbox will be lost.
  4. Changes deployed from the Sandbox over the last 6 months will be displayed in Deployment Logs. 

Deactivate Sandbox

There might be situations where you do not need a sandbox since it might cause issues. For instance, your organization is undergoing major automation changes, sales restructure, etc., and you do not want the changes made in the sandbox to be deployed to the production and create problems.

For this purpose, Zoho Recruit provides you an option to deactivate your sandbox with the help of Deactivate option.

To deactivate Sandbox,
  1. Go to Setup > Developer Space > Sandbox.
  2. In the Sandbox page, click the ... button in the top right corner.
  3. In the drop down list, click Deactivate.
  4. Click Deactivate to proceed with the deactivation of your sandbox. 
  1. Once you deactivate your sandbox, you will not be able to access it.
  2. The developer will also lose the sandbox access.
  3. You will not be able to deploy the changes to your production account till you reactivate your sandbox account.
  4. When sandbox is reactivated, all the non-deployed changes which were listed in the Change Set before deactivation will be retained. You may then choose to deploy them to production.

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