Registration Form for Guest Users and Customer Portal Users

Registration Form for Guest Users and Customer Portal Users

Super admins and admins can view and edit this information. Managers can only view this information. Staff members will not have access to this information. 

When customers book appointments, they are required to specify details like their name, email address, and contact number. This information can be used to send them reminders and notifications about their upcoming appointments, cancellations, or rescheduled appointments. The fields—which appear on the booking page—to collect this information can be configured in the Registration Form section.
Three mandatory fields, which can be edited, are present by default. However, if required, more fields can be added too.
This section also contains customer portal settings, which enables your customers to maintain individual accounts for themselves. They can register a personal account that will capture all their appointment details in one place and allow them to view, reschedule, or cancel appointments. This is similar to an Amazon account, where you can see your details and your orders, which you can also cancel or modify through your account. 
The fields to collect customer information can be configured separately for Guest Users and Registered Users (Customer Portal Users).
To access the Registration Form section: 
  1. Click the  icon in the top right corner, and navigate to Workspaces

  2. Click the required workspace

  3. Choose Registration Form

Configure fields for Guest Users 

To configure fields for users who book appointments as guests (without logging in), click Guest Users .

To edit the default mandatory fields:
  1. Click the edit icon for the field you want to edit 

  2. Enter the required text, then click Save 

To add a new field: 
  1. Click Add Field

  2. Enter the field name 

  3. Mark it as mandatory if required

  4. Select the field type, then click Save

Types of Custom Fields

There are seven types of custom fields to choose from:

  1. Single Line : To enter plain text, i.e. letters from any language, numbers, and special characters. Character limit for this field is 50.
  2. Multi Line : To enter plain text, i.e. letters from any language, numbers, and special characters. Character limit for this field is 2000.
  3. Email : To enter a valid email address. It validates if the email address entered is in this format:
  4. Checkbox : To select one or more values from a predefined set of choices that are displayed as checkboxes. Character limit for this field is 50. A maximum of five choices can be set, and each choice can have between 2 to 50 characters. 
  5. Dropdown : To select a value from a predefined set of choices that are displayed in a dropdown menu. Character limit for this field is 50. A maximum of five choices can be set, and each choice can have between 2 to 50 characters. 
  6. Radio Button : to select a value from a predefined set of choices that are displayed as radio buttons. Character limit for this field is 50. A maximum of five choices can be set, and each choice can have between 2 to 50 characters.
  7. Date : To enter date values. 
Options to hideedit, or delete these custom fields appear when the user hovers over the fields.

Enable customer portal for users and configure fields for registered users

To configure fields for users who book appointments by signing in or singing up:
  1. Click Registered Users 

  2. Check the box next to "Booking as a registered users".

Only when you check the box "Booking as registered users", will the options to "Sign up" and "Sign in" appear on the Booking Page.

The process of adding and configuring fields is the same as explained above in the Guest Users section
The order of the fields can be re-arranged by dragging and dropping them to a new position. This can be done by clicking on the icon highlighted below for the required field.
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