Release burndown

Release burndown

Track the pending work items or estimation points for the work items in your release using the release burndown report. Using this report, you can track the progress of your release and the date in which your release will be completed. It works similar to the sprint and epic burndown reports. 

Learn more on burndown reports.
  1. Navigate to Reports
  2. Click Release Reports from the left panel.
  3. Click Burndown
  4. Select View By in the top-right corner to view the report either by  Points or Count (No. of work items). 

  1. Hover over on a particular date to view the total number of items or points that are open completed reopened newly added , and pending 
  2. Navigate to a detailed view by clicking on a particular data on the report.  
    1. View the work items on each date and the estimation points against each. 

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