Replace domain

Replace domain

While downloading the Sync Tool, you were asked to add and verify a domain in the Admin Panel. This was done to make sure all users are synced seamlessly to your Zoho organization. If a user's email address doesn't belong to the added-and-verified domain, they will not be added to your organization completely—they will either become  Pending Users (if they have an existing Zoho account) or will remain unsynced.
For example, assume your organization has five users.
Email Address
Amelia Burrows
Arthur Radley
Frida Marquez
Eduardo Vargas
Emma Wilson
If the domain you verified was "", Amelia, Eduardo, and Emma will be added as Confirmed Users, Arthur will be added as a Pending User (as he already has a Zoho account), and Frida will not be synced.
The Replace Domain option creates custom, domain-based email addresses for users that don't have them.

In our example, enabling Replace Domain will create the email addresses "" and "" for Arthur and Frida, and will add everyone as Confirmed Users.
To enable Replace Domain:
  1. Open the Sync Tool.
  2. Go to Attributes, hover over Email Address, then click  .
  3. Check Replace Domain, then enter a verified domain.
  4. Click Save.

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