Report Summary

Report Summary

A campaign's report summary includes real-time campaign data, campaign reach metrics, opens by time, and opens by location, giving you an overview of how well that campaign has performed.

Realtime campaign data

Our realtime data reports analyze a great deal of information and present it in an easily digestible format for you. Let's take a look at what each of these data elements can tell you about your email campaign.
To view the realtime campaign data:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Reports and select Sent Campaigns.
  2. Select any of your sent campaigns.
  3. You can see the data in the Report Summary subtab.
Unique opens - Number of individual recipients who have opened your email campaign. 
Total opens - Total number of times your email campaign was opened.

Here is an example:
Number of times Ari opened your email - 4
Number of times Eli opened your email - 3
Number of times Cameron opened your email - 2
Total Opens - 9
Unique Opens - 3

Unique clicks - Number of recipients who have clicked links or buttons in your email campaign.
Total clicks - Total number of times recipients have clicked links or buttons in your email campaign.
Bounces - Number of email delivery attempts that failed.
Click-to-open rate (CTOR) - This metric displays the rate of contacts who opened your email campaign compared to how many clicked the links in it. CTOR is calculated by dividing unique clicks by unique opens.This metric is an important indicator of your campaign's effectiveness.
Complaints - Number of recipients who have lodged a complaint against your email campaign.

From the moment you click Send, it's natural to be curious how your emails are performing. You can check your Zoho Campaigns' report for detailed data on email open and click rates.
Open and click rates are the standard parameters used to validate email marketing practices and contact engagement. The higher the open and click rates are, the more people your business is reaching.

Open rate

Percentage of delivered email messages that have been opened.

Open rate percentage

To track the number of email opens, a one-pixel image is added to the email. This is known as a "web beacon" or "tracking image", and is invisible to your contacts. Every time a contact’s email program loads that image, it contacts Zoho Campaigns and the email opening action is logged.

Click / Open rate (CTOR)

Percentage of opened emails whose links or buttons have been interacted with by the recipient.

Click rate percentage

Whenever a recipient opens an email and clicks on a link or button, it's counted as a 'click-through'. Click-throughs indicate that your recipient is interested in your email and wants to engage further.

When an email open goes uncounted

As open rates are calculated from the tracking image, they can't be counted accurately in the below cases:

Plain-text emails

Open rates can't be tracked when a campaign has been sent in plain text format. If you want to track your opens, we recommend you send out HTML-based emails.

Image-only emails

Most mailbox providers (Gmail, Outlook, etc) do not display images in emails by default. The email recipients are expected to actively click on Display Images to view the content. When you send an email with image-only message, your recipients may only see a blank email. This will not be counted as an email open. If the recipient clicks Display Image, or any other URLs in the email, it will be considered as opened.

Because of this, your campaign report may show a smaller open rate than is representative of the number of people that actually opened it.
To avoid this, Zoho Campaigns recommends you:
  • Request that your recipients add your sender address to their address book (whitlelisting). To learn how to whitelist a sender address, click here.
  • Avoid image-only emails and use text along with your images, so that your recipient doesn't misinterpret it as a blank email.

Campaign reach

Here, you can get insights into your campaign's overall reach, through both email and social media.

Email campaign reach

Social campaign reach

Opens by time

This graph highlights which times experience the maximum number of opens. Scheduling your email campaign to be sent out at the optimal time can have a huge impact on your open rates, increasing the effectiveness of your campaign. This graph, helps you decide the optimal time to send your email.

Opens by time

Opens by location

This geographical map allows you to see where exactly your emails are being opened. This lets you track opens by location and use that data for segmentation.


You can view the exact number of contacts who successfully received and opened your email campaign by hovering over the country. It is a great way to know where the majority of your customers are located.You can use this data to run targeted marketing campaigns in those locations where maximum response is recorded.

Opens by location

  • If one recipient opens the same campaign in two different locations, opens will be displayed at both locations, whereas the unique open count would remain one.

Mass update fields

You can mass update a specific field for contacts who have opened an email campaign from various countries. To mass update contacts:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Reports and select Sent Campaigns.
  2. Click the email campaign, you wish to mass update the contacts.
  3. Under Report Summary, go to Opens by Location and then click Recipients based on Locations.
  4. Select a country from the drop-down menu on RHS.
  5. Now, Click the Mass Update icon. 
    Mass update contacts
  6. A pop-up will appear where you need to fill out the following information:
    • Select the field from drop-down menu, you wish to update.
    • Specify a value for the field to be updated.
    • Click the Proceed button and then Update to confirm changes.

Export contacts

You can export your contacts in any format so that it provides a backup for your database. To export the mailing lists:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Reports and select Sent Campaigns.
  2. Click the email campaign, you wish to export contacts.
  3. Under Report Summary, go to Opens by Location and then click Recipients based on Locations.
  4. Select a country from the drop-down menu on RHS.
  5. Now, click the Export Contacts icon. 
    Export contacts
  6. In Export Mailing List page, do the following:
    • Filter by Date – Select a time to export contacts based on activity
    • Select fields to be exported – Select the checkbox fields to include additional information.
    • File Name – Give a name to the file to be exported.
    • Click the format (CSV, TSV, XLS, JSON, etc.); you want to export the file.

Subject and sender details

This section provides a preview of your campaign and gives you a quick rundown of the campaign's subject and sender details.

Subject and sender details

Export Reports

You can export the reports of all your campaigns in a .xls or a .csv file to keep a backup of the data. To export reports:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Reports and select Sent Campaigns.
  2. Select the checkbox corresponding to the campaign of which, you wish to export report.
  3. After selection, click the Export Reports button the top-left corner of the section.
  4. Select which data of the campaign you want to export, in the popup that follows.
  5. Enter a name for the file to be exported.
  6. You can export report summaries based on certain criteria. Different criteria based on which you can export summaries are:
  1. Time: Based on the time when your campaigns were created, sent or all time.
  2. Mailing Lists: Based on the mailing lists to which your campaigns were sent.
  3. Folders: Based on the folders to which your campaigns were sent.
       7. Click Export.
export by criteria

Export with Filter by criteria

  1. Click the Export Reports button in Sent Campaigns page under Reports
  2. You can choose to export the summaries of only the campaigns that you want, by applying certain filters.
    filter by campaign status

    filter by campaign type

    filter by campaign owner
    • If you choose to export reports by time, then you can filter campaigns based on their creation time, sent time.
    • If you choose to export by mailing lists or folders, you can filter by campaign creation time, sent time or campaigns created or sent in all time.
    • You can also filter campaigns based on their type, status and owner.
  3. In the Data to export section, you can choose the campaign data that you want to be included in the report.
  4. By default, five basic data related to a campaign will be exported and you can choose to export more.
  5. Enter a name for the file to be exported.
  6. Click Export.

  • You cannot filter other users' campaigns if you do not have the privilege or if you are the only user for the organization.
  • You can export reports of a maximum of 20 campaigns only.
  • The exported file would be a password protected file. The password to open the file is first four characters of your email address and the last four numbers of your Zoho user id.

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