

Get updates about your responses in real time with Zoho Survey's reporting tools, and analyze the trends to make better business decisions. Customize reports and set up a schedule to deliver them, or compare different reports and filter your responses by the criteria you set. You can view a summary of all responses, or view them individually.


How do I get to my reports?

  1. After you launch your survey, go to the Survey home page.
  2. Click Reports on the left pane.
    Zoho Survey Reports


What can I find there?

  • Launched: The date the survey was launched. 
  • Recent Response: The date you received the most recent response.
  • Survey status: If your survey is active, you'll see a green Active button. If your survey has been closed to stop receiving responses, the status will show Inactive. 
  • Filter by: Apply filters to manage search results. You can filter responses based on the time they were received, the collectors you used, or the answers you got:
    • All Responses
    • Completed Responses
    • Partial Responses
    • Today's Responses
    • Create Filter
      Report filters


Table of Contents


Summary of Responses

See a summary of all the responses you've received. 

  • Total Responses: The total number of responses, both complete and partial.
  • Survey Visits: The total number of survey visitors.
    Reports summary


Individual Responses

In this section, you'll find details about individual responses for each of your survey questions. The respondent's IP address, the date, and the time they took to complete the survey and the average rating of the survey will also be displayed. If the respondent hasn't answered any questions, they'll be shown as Skipped. The custom variable data collected from email distribution, Zoho CRM, Zoho Campaigns, and unique parameter name will also be displayed in this section.

  • Click Create online surveys to edit responses.
  • Click Create online surveys to delete responses, then click Delete and confirm your selection. Deleted data cannot be restored.
  • Click Create online surveys to navigate to the previous or next pages.



How do I create a new filter?

  1. Click the dropdown in the Filter by section.
  2. Click Create Filter
    Create filters for reports
  3. Enter a name in the Filter name box.
    • Select a time range in the Response date range section to view the responses in a particular time period.
    • Select the All responses if you want to see every response.
    • Select the Completed responses if you want to filter for only the completed responses.
    • Select the Partial responses if you want to filter for only the partial responses.
  1. Click Select collectors to select filter collectors. Learn more about collectorsNote: This field will be available only if you have multiple collectors.
  2. Click Select a question to set the filter's logic. Select the logic you want to be applied to your filter. Learn more about how to apply logic.
    • Click Match all to match all the conditions.
    • Click Match any to match one or more conditions. 
    • Click Create online surveys to add more logic options to the same question.
    • Click Create online surveys to remove the logic options you have created.
    • Click Create online surveys to delete an entire set of logic options you have created.
    • Click Add condition to add new logic to a different question.
  1. Click Save. Your new filter will be added to the Filter by dropdown menu.


Report Types 

Report types

  • Default Report: Displays the default report page.
  • Custom Report: Create customized reports.
  • Cross-tab Report: Shows a comparison of two multiple choice questions to determine how they're correlated.
  • Trend Report: Compiles and displays statistics by date.


Custom Report

Select questions to create custom reports. These reports can be shared or chosen by filter to show responses for specific questions.

Create custom report with Zoho Survey

How do I...


How do I create a custom report?

  1. Click Create in the Custom Report section.
  2. Enter a name in the Report name box.
  3. Select the questions you want to include in the report.
    • Click Select all to include all questions.
    • Select the checkbox next to a page number to select all questions from that page.
    • Click Create online surveys to hide all questions from a particular section.
  1. Click the Displayoption next to each question to select the type of report you want to generate.
    • Select Show chart to select a chart to display your reports along with labels.
    • Select Show data to show data without a chart.
    • Select Show stats to display statistics.
      Create online surveys

Note: Questions that don't support chart reporting will display just the data by default. You can also select all display options (Chart, Data, and Stats) for supported questions. 

  1. Click Save.


How do I view a custom report?

  1. Click Custom Report in the left pane.
  2. Select a custom report.
    • Click Create online surveys to edit the report.
    • Click Create online surveys to delete the report, then click Delete and confirm your selection.


Cross-tab Report

Use cross-tab reports to compare two questions and analyze their correlation. These reports are sharable and can also be selected by filter to show the data.

Create custom-tab report with Zoho Survey

How do I...


How do I create a cross-tab report?

  1. Click Create in the Cross-tab section.
  2. Enter a name in the Report name box.
  3. Select a question for the row axis and another for the column axis.
  4. Click Save


How do I view a cross-tab report?

  1. Click Cross-tab Report in the left pane.
  2. Click a cross-tab report.
    • Click Create online surveys to select display options. Click Create online surveys or Create online surveys to export the graph to JPEG or PDF.
    • Click Create online surveys to edit the report.
    • Click Create online surveys to delete the report, then click Delete and confirm your selection.


Trend Report

Trend reports are used to compare and analyze trends in aggregate survey responses.

Create trend report with Zoho Survey

How do I...


How do I create a trend report?

  1. Click Create in the Trend Report section.
  2. Enter a name in the Report name box.
  3. Select a trend frequency for your graph from the dropdown.
    • Select Until today to display the trend statistics till the present.
    • Select For a specific time period to select a time range.
    • Select dates in the From and To calendars.
    • Select the Respondent Statistics checkbox to add your survey's respondent statistics in the report.
  1. Select the questions you want to include in the report.
    • Choose Select all button if you want to include all the questions.
    • Select the checkbox next to the page number to select all the questions from that page.
    • Click Create online surveys to hide questions from a particular section.
  1. Click the Display option next each question to select the type of report you want to generate.
    • Select Show chart to select a chart to display your reports along with labels.
    • Select Show data to show the data without a chart.
    • Select Show stats to display statistics.

Note: If questions don't support chart reporting, only the data will be displayed by default. You can select all display options (Chart, Data, and Stats) for questions that support them. 

  1. Click Save.


How do I view a trend report?

  1. Click Trend Report in the left pane.
  2. Click the day/week/month/quarter or select a trend report.
    • Click Create online surveys to edit the report.
    • Click Create online surveys to delete the report, then click Delete and confirm your selection.
    • Click Create online surveys to select display options. Click Create online surveys; or Create online surveys; to export the graph to JPEG or PDF.


Schedule Report

Set up a schedule to deliver your reports with the Scheduled Report feature. Schedule reports to run daily, weekly or monthly. The report can also be set to send to specific users. 

Schedule survey reports


How do I schedule a report?

  1. Click Actions and select Schedule Report.
  2. Enter a name for your report in the Name box.
  3. Select the frequency to email reports: By day, By week, or By month. 
  4. Click the Select a report dropdown menu and choose the type of report you want to schedule.
    • Click All data to receive all responses.
    • Click Data acquired within frequency interval to receive responses for a specific time period.
    • Click Select a filter to set a filter for reports.
  1. In the Recipient's email addresses box, enter the email addresses of the recipients, separated by commas.
  2. Click Save.
    • Hover the mouse over the report and click Create online surveysto create new scheduled reports.
    • Hover the mouse over the report and click Create online surveys to edit the report.
    • Hover the mouse over the report, click Create online surveys and confirm your selection to delete a report.


Delete Responses

  • Click Actions and select Delete Responses.
  • Click Delete all to delete all collected responses. 
  • Use Delete filtered responses to delete specific responses. Click the dropdown to select a filter to use, then click Delete.
  • Select the Clear survey visits checkbox to clear your survey's visit history.
    Delete survey responses


Share Report

You can share your reports publicly, or with colleagues, survey respondents, and organizations. You can also secure shared reports with a password.

Share survey report


How do I share a report?

  1. Click Share in the top-right corner of the page.
  2. Enter a name for your report in the Name the share box.
  3. Select one of the Choose a report type radio button options:
    • Summary - Select this option if you just want a summary of your responses. These options will not be available if you select Individual sharing. 
    • Click the Select a report dropdown and choose the report you want to share.
    • Click Yes in Allow Text Responses if you want to share the responses with your report's summary. Click No if you don't want to share the detailed response report.
    • Individual - Select this option to set the details of each individual response.
    • Both - Select this option to see the summary and the individual response details.
  4. Click the Select a filter to apply dropdown to filter your reports.
  5. Individual response view:​ ​​​​Choose which questions to display for the individual responses.
    • All questions: Show all the question in the survey, whether they are answered or unanswered.
    • Shown questions: Show only the questions that were shown to that particular respondent. Some questions might have been passed over due to question and page logic. These questions will not be displayed.
    • Answered questions: Show only the questions that have been answered.
  6. Multi-language support: Display the report in all the languages you have translated your survey in. Or choose just one default language.
  7. Language: Choose the default language you want your survey report to load in. If you've chosen multi-language support, you will be able to switch to another language you've applied to your survey.
  8. Click the Share permission dropdown menu to select an audience:
    • Share with private user: To share your report privately with individual users, select this option and enter the users' email addresses. Uncheck the selection in the Send Invitation checkbox if you don't want to email an invitation to a user.
    • Share with the public: Make your report publicly accessible. Search engines will also be able to crawl this report.
    • Share with password: Select this option to secure your report so that only users who have the password can access it. Enter your chosen password into the Enter Password field. 
  9. Click Save. A URL will be generated that you can use to share your report.

    Share report link

    • Click Create online surveys to copy the URL to the clipboard.
    • Click View to take a look at the report.
    • Click Create online surveys to edit the report settings.
    • To delete a shared report, click  Create online surveys and confirm your selection.



Export responses in XLS, CSV, PDF, Tableau Extract, or Zoho Spreadsheet formats. Response percentage for different options in a question will be shown for summary reports exported in XLS format. Configure the PDF name, paper size, and orientation while exporting the PDF. The Individual Responses PDF report can be exported in the translated language. The document will be downloaded immediately to your device (except the Tableau Extract).

Survey export options


How do I...


How do I export responses?

  1. Click Export in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    • As spreadsheet
    • As CSV
    • As PDF
    • As Tableau Extract
    • Open in Zoho Sheet

How do I save my responses to my Zoho Docs account?

You can only save your responses to Zoho Docs if you have a Zoho Docs account.

  1. Click Export in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Choose Open in Zoho Sheet.
  3. Click File in the top left corner
  4. Click Save to My Account.

How do I export responses into a Tableau Extract?

  1. Click Reports on the left pane.
  2. Click Export on the top-right corner of the Summary of Responses page.
  3. Click As Tableau Extract.

    Export survey as Tableau extract

  4. Type a name for your extract in the Name field.
  5. Select the report you want to export in the Select a report dropdown list.
  6. Click the Select a filter dropdown list to apply any filters.
  7. Click Save. You can copy the extract link to view the data in Tableau Desktop.

    Copy Tableau extract link


How do I view the responses in Tableau Desktop?

  1. Open your Tableau Desktop.
  2. Click More on the left pane, then select Web Data Connector.
  3. Paste the extract link in the URL box and click Enter.
  4. Sign in to your account using your Zoho credentials.
  5. Click Update Now or Automatically Update in the screen that follows.
  6. Click the Sheet to open a worksheet.
  7. Drag and drop the questions from the left pane into the Columns and Rows fields to generate charts and visualizations.



You can use the Print option in Reports to print responses and detailed summary reports.


How do I print the responses?

  1. Click  Create online surveys in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Enter your details and click Print.

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