

Reports help you obtain summarised data on work orders and territories and statistics relevant for analysis and decision-making. Data from the following reports are shown in the dashboard:

Closed Work Orders This Month
Displays the count of completed work orders
Open Work Orders This Month
Displays the count of work orders which are in progress
Past 6 months comparator
Shows details of work orders processed in the past six months and the revenue generated from it
TOP 5 Territories
Lists the top five territories with the maximum work orders
Territory and Status wise Work Order count
Illustrates the number of work orders in a particular status as well as the territories they belong to
Work Orders Completion Rate
Shows the number of new, in-progress and completed work orders and the transition rate from one status to another
Critical Tasks in each territory
Displays the count of all the tasks in each territory with the "Critical" status 

Other than the aforementioned reports, you can create other reports by choosing what data is included in your report and how it's presented. Once the report is created, it can be manipulated and shared as per your requirements.

Types of Reports

  1. Tabular Report: In this report, the data from chosen fields in one or more module is represented in columns. Calculation functions can be applied to the data in each column. For example, a report on the number of Requests created in a day.
  2. Summary Report: In this report, you can group data based on field values in one or more module and also apply calculation functions to column values. For example, a report containing details of work orders won in the current month.
  3. Matrix Report: In this type of report, you can apply calculation functions to certain field values in your module and see the results both row-wise and column-wise. For example, a report on all the attended, scheduled appointments.
Note: The Calculation functions available for use are SumAverageLargest Value, and Lowest Value.

Create Reports

Creation of a new report involves the following steps:
  1. Selection of Module(s)
  2. Selection of Report Type
  3. Defining Data & Display options
  4. Selecting Filter Criteria
  5. Naming & Saving the Report

Step 1: Selection of Module(s)

Select the main module and the related modules from which the information for the report need to be extracted.
  1. Click the Reports tab in your application.
  2. Click Create Report.
  3. Under Module Information section, do the following:
    1. Select the main module from the dropdown list.
    2. Select the affiliated modules from the Related Modules list box.
      You can use the fields from the Related Modules list in defining filter criteria, in adding columns in your report, and in selecting columns to apply calculation functions.
  4. Click Continue.

Step 2: Selection of Report Type

Select the report type you want to work with: Tabular, Summary, or Matrix.
  1. Under the Report Type section, select one of the following report types:
    1. Tabular Report
    2. Summary Report
    3. Matrix Report

Step 3: Defining Data & Display options

Select the field values in modules that you want to include in your report, the fields based on which grouping of data will be performed, the calculation functions, and more. The options will differ based on the report type chosen (refer the table given below).
  1. Do the following to select the field value(s) in module(s) to be displayed in your report. From under the Report Representation section, click the Columns tab, then:
    1. Select the field values from the Available Columns list box. The system will display the column names only for the modules that you have selected.
    2. Click Add.
    3. The field value(s) will be added to the Selected Columns list box.
    4. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to sort the display order of the columns.
    5. Select the column name and click to delete the selected column.
  2. Click the Groupings tab. Here, you can choose field values in modules based on which you can group information in your report.
    1. Select the values from the Summarize information by dropdown lists.
    2. Select Ascending or Descending from the corresponding Sort Order dropdown lists.
  3. Click the Columns to Total tab.
    1. Select the required calculation functions (Sum, Average, Lowest Value, Largest Value) for the desired columns.
Report Type
Column Selection
Columns to Total



Step 4: Selecting Filter Criteria

Choose the conditions based on which you want to fetch data from the module(s).
  1. From under the Filters section, select the filter criteria for the report. Refer section Use Filter Criteria for more details.
You can also use a record's Created By and Modified By fields to define criteria.
You can specify a maximum of 25 criteria in a report.

Step 5: Naming & Saving the Report

Before saving and executing the report, provide a name and description for the report and select a folder to place the report in.
  1. Under the Basic Information section, do the following:
    1. Select a folder from the dropdown that you want to save the report in. You can also create a new folder.
    2. Provide a name and description for the report.
  2. Click Run or Save.
    1. When you click Run, a preview of the report will be generated. Until the report is saved, the changes will not be persistent.
    2. Click Save to store the report in the chosen folder.

Use Filter Criteria

Using the Advanced Filters of Filters section (in both Create and Edit Report), you can define sophisticated filters using logical operators AND/OR.

You would like to create a report that lists the service appointments based on the following criteria:
Status is 'Paid', and Customer Owner is 'Michael Bryce or Philip Johnson', and Total Amount is greater than '$1000 USD', and the Territory is 'Georgetown or Austin'.

This can be accomplished using the criteria option, as shown below:

The criteria pattern will be automatically set as:

Since the criteria pattern does not match the requirement, you can edit it as:

You can use the following characters in Criteria Pattern:
  1. Parentheses ()
  2. and / or operators
  3. Criteria Row Number

Edit Reports

To make edits to your report:
  1. In the All Reports page, hover over the name of a report. Click on the ellipsis (...) sign that appears.
  2. Choose Edit from the menu.
  3. Make any desired changes.
  4. Click Save.

Delete Reports

To delete reports:
  1. In the All Reports page, hover over the name of a report. Click on the ellipsis (...) sign that appears.
  2. Choose Edit from the menu.
  3. Click the Delete button. The deleted reports will be available under Recently Deleted.
Note: You can only delete reports that you created.

Add Reports to Dashboard

You can add a report to the dashboard. Follow the steps below to add an existing report to the dashboard:
  1. Click the Dashboards module and select the dashboard you want to add the report to.
  2. Click Add Component and select the component Chart.
  3. In the Add Chart popup, click From Reports.
  4. In the Add Chart popup, provide the necessary details and click Save.

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