Resource Properties

Resource Properties

Super admins and admins can view and edit this information. Managers can only view this information. Staff members will not have access to this information.
Resource details such as information, availability, the Booking URL to book the resource, as well as the settings for that booking page can be viewed and edited from the Resources section.

To access the Resources section, click  in the top-right corner of your Bookings homepage, then click Resources.

All the resources in your account will be listed in this section. Click on a resource to view or edit their details.

Resource Information
Resource Booking URL
Booking Page Settings
Embed as Widget

Resource Information

  1. Marking the Status "Inactive" will deactivate services associated with the resource. Consequently, this will prevent customers from booking the resource. 
  2. Resource bookings are only to book resources, and since staff members are not required for such services, it is not mandatory to allocate staff to a resource.
When you re-activate the service, the resource does not get activated by default—it has to be done manually.


  1. Customize Available Times
  1. Check "Customize Available Times" to set any available time slots for the resource that are different from the usual business hours.

  2. On the "Edit Working Hours" page, set the new working hours, then click Save.

  3. The customized working hours will be displayed, which can again be edited again if required.
  1. Additional Availability
  1. To add additional slots—for example on weekends—click ADD.

  2. On the next screen, enable "All-day Availability" and select the From and To dates, or disable "All-day Availability" and select the From and To date-times. Enabling "All-day availability" will release all time slots for the entire day of the selected dates. Click Save.

  3. The hours added by you will be listed and can be edited or deleted if required.
  1. Unavailability 
  1. To block slots or to add Time Off hours for the selected resource, click Add.

  2. "Time Off" lets you specify the From and To dates. "Block Time" is to specify a single date. Enable "All-day Unavailability" and select the From and To dates or disable "All-day Unavailability" and select the From and To date-times. Enabling "All-day Unavailability" will block all time slots for the entire day of the selected dates. Click Save.

  3. The hours added by you will be listed and can be edited or deleted if required.

  4. Block Times will not be listed here and will instead be displayed in the calendar.  

Resource Booking URL

  1. This section displays the URL with which customers can book the resource. The last segment of the URL can be customized by clicking Customize.

  2. You can also use a custom domain for the booking URL. [Learn more on that here].

Booking Page Settings

  1. Set a Title and a Description for the Resource Booking Page. The fields can be edited or hidden as needed.

  2. The Title and Description will appear in the Booking Page as shown below:

Embed As Widget

Embed the resource booking page in your website using the iframe snippet, which is available by default for every resource you add. 

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