Resource utilization chart

Resource utilization chart

Resource utilization chart lets you view user workload and optimize utilization based on business needs.
Feature Availability
Global Resource Utilization chart: Enterprise plan
Project Resource Utilization chart: Premium plan
  1. Click Projects in the top band and navigate to your project.
  2. Click Reports & Charts in the left panel.
  3. Click the Resource Utilization section in the main panel.
  4. View work allocation details.
  5. Click on users to view tasks assigned to them. 
  6. Drag and drop tasks from one user to another to re-balance workload.
The Resource Utilization chart visually shows the allocated work in hours and percentage. The idle time is reflected. When a resource is overloaded, you can reschedule it to either an other resource or another day with available business hours. You can directly add tasks on the chart for any selected user. Search Users to quickly view their work load.
Click on any day against the username and add a task. The task will be assigned to the user.

Filters in Resource Utilization Chart:

  1. Click  in the upper-right corner to filter the data based on User, Period, Allocation type, Work Time Unit, and Task Status .
  2. You can also Save this Filter for your future reference. This saved filter is permanently available even after you sign out or navigate between tabs. It is applied across all the projects in the portal. However, if you don't save the filter, it will be temporarily available until the page is refreshed.
  3. Click  to convert the chart to a pdf file.
To access the Global Resource Utilization Chart across projects, navigate to Home Global Reports (widget) > Resource Utilization. Here, you can view the data for all the projects in your company. If you wish to view the results for a specific project or a specific set of projects, click  in the upper-right corner to filter the data based on Project.

Recurring tasks in Resource utilization charts

The recurring tasks are displayed virtually Resource utilization charts based on their recurring frequency. Only the recurring task that is active is displayed as task bar, whereas the remaining recurring tasks are displayed in dotted lines, just as a reminder about the project schedule. You can edit only the active recurring tasks; the virtual recurring tasks cannot be edited. And neither can you perform any actions on those virtual tasks.

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