Sales process: Lead generation

Sales process: Lead generation

Edition: Paid editions | Industry: Applicable for all industries | Features: Integrations with Zoho products and built-in features 

A sales process is a framework of a repeatable set of steps that a salesperson or the sales team takes to move a prospect from a lead to a closed customer. A sales process can be broadly classified into three stages:
  1. Prospecting or lead generation
  2. Lead nurturing and qualifying
  3. Deal closure

In the following use case, we will discuss various options used by a fictitious company for mapping out their sales process in Zoho CRM.
Orange Interiorz offers home and property design solutions at affordable prices. They use various platforms to attract new customers and engage them in various marketing activities. Their lead generation process is as follows: 
  1. Attracting visitors through blogs, social media, website, and Google Ads.
  2. Visitors click the call-to-action button in one of these channels and are redirected to the company's landing page.
  3. In the landing page, they fill out and submit the project details form.
  4. A new lead is created and is automatically added to the org's CRM account.
They have set the following configurations in CRM to get leads from different sources added directly into the CRM system:

Social media integration: 
Facebook and Twitter are their major sources of lead generation. They monitor the tweets, likes, comments, and posts and also new updates and information through these handles from their CRM platform. This allows them to identify any positive social activity such as likes, mentions, tweets, retweets, messages, posts, and comments and add the person's details as a lead in CRM. The sales team is automatically notified about the new lead and gets in touch with them to acquire further details. Once the team is assured that the client is interested in doing business with them, the sales qualified lead is passed on to the design consultants.

Web-to-lead forms: 
Orange Interiorz attracts visitors to contact them by hosting seasonal discounts, flash sales, and sample design brochures on their web page. The CTA on the web page invites people to register and get updates from the company. When the visitor submits the form, their details are added to CRM as lead, with basic information such as their name, contact number, email address, and interests. When a lead is created, the sales team is notified to begin lead nurturing activities.

Google Ads integration: 
Orange Interiorz uses the Google Ads Integration to get a complete picture of how much revenue their online ad campaigns are actually generating. It helps them understand whether the campaigns are beneficial for their business and which ones are generating the highest revenue. The GCLIP mapping helps them easily identify the leads that are coming in from Google Ads and track offline sales from clicks to conversions. Since CRM combines their sales data with Google Ads spending, they can also identify which keyword brings in the most qualified leads which helps them improve their conversion rate. 

CRM mobile app: 
Aside from online advertising, a lot of visitors approach them during trade shows, exhibitions, cultural events, and sometimes through referrals from existing customers. They can use mobile app to add the visitors' details as leads and pursue them later. Sometimes, the clients give the reps at the tradeshow their business cards asking the designers to visit their site and suggest suitable style and decor. In this case, Orange Interiorz scans the business cards and add the details as leads in CRM. 

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