SalesIQ Data in SalesIQ

SalesIQ Data in SalesIQ

Viewing SalesIQ data inside your Salesforce CRM account

To view the pushed SalesIQ data inside your Salesforce account it is necessary that you follow the below-given steps,

  • Click on the  Setup  icon which you can find in the top right corner ( Fourth icon from the left)

  • Then click on  Object manager  which you can find in the top left corner beside the  Home  tab.

  • In the list of options that appears choose either  Lead  or  Contact .

  • Then click on  Page layout,  which you can find in the pane onto your left .
  • After which choose a layout from the list that appears.

  • Then choose the following specified custom fields,
    • Number of chats
    • Average time spent
    • Visitor score
    • Last visited time
    • Number of days
  • Drag and drop them under the appropriate titles that you would find right below.

  • Then click on save.

  • Now you can scoot back to view the added details by clicking on a Contact or a Lead under Lead or Contact tab. 

Viewing chat transcripts inside your CRM portal

If you had enabled the option for pushing in the chat transcripts from your SalesIQ account into your Salesforce CRM portal, you can access and view those chat transcripts by,

  • Navigating to either Leads or Contacts tab.
  • Click on any one of the visitor from the list displayed.
  • In the window that appears, you can view the chat transcripts saved in PDF format with chat subjects as the file name onto your right under the label  Notes & Attachments .
  • Click on the desired chat transcript, to view it. 

Lead Source as chat and website visit

To identify the visitors pushed into your Salesforce CRM account right away from your SalesIQ account:

  • Check the  Details  column of a particular Lead or a Contact. 
  • All the entries with the value " SalesIQ- Chat" or " Website visit " for the field  Lead source  are those that are pushed in from your SalesIQ account.

  • Notes: Auto-added and manually added

    Every time your users have a chat session with the visitors, SalesIQ will automatically add a note to the ones that are to be pushed into your Salesforce account automatically with the following details,

    • User's name
    • Visit ID
    • Time frame of the chat session
    • Question brought in by the particular visitor

    If you had chosen the missed visitor category in the integration section earlier, then a note will be added for those visitors too while pushing them into your Salesforce account. 

    Salesforce also allows you to add notes manually, 

    • This can be done by clicking on the add notes icon, which is the first icon above the label "Visitor info".
    • Add a desired note, for future reference.
    • Then click on "Save".

    To view these notes,

    • Navigate to either Leads or Contacts tab.
    • Click on any one of the visitor from the list displayed.
    • In the window that appears, you can view the added notes onto your right under the label  Notes & Attacments .
    • Click on one, to view it. 

Follow-up tasks

Follow up tasks can be either added automatically by enabling this option in the integration section or by manually adding one right away from the users chat window. To view these tasks,

  • Navigate to either the Leads or Contacts tab.
  • Click on any one of the visitor from the list displayed.
  • Then click on the  Activity  tab.
  • A list of upcoming activities will be displayed below the label " Activity Timeline ". And below these activities, all your past activities will be listed down.
  • Click on any one of the upcoming activity.
  • Details like Assigned to, Subject, Due date, status, due date, from, to, User to whom the activity is assigned to etc., will be displayed.
  • To change the status of a particular task click on the drop-down icon right beside the task name, in the options that appear choose  Change status  option.
  • You can also avail a bunch of options for manipulating task related data under this drop down icon like edit comments, change priority, change due date etc.,

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