Identity Provider (IdP)
An identity provider maintains a directory of user credentials. It authenticates a user and sends authorization information about them to the service provider.
Service Provider (SP)
A service provider is a website that hosts services or applications for users. It relies on the IdP to authenticate a user.
Sign-in URL is an IdP URL where the user gets redirected to for authentication at IdP.
Sign out URL
Sign out URL is an IdP URL where the sign out request will be sent when the user sign out from Zoho.
Sign out Response
If you enable the sign out response, you will be signed out from the service provider and a response will be sent to the IdP sign out URL as well when you initiate a sign out request from the service provider. If it is unchecked, you will only be signed out from the service provider.
The certificate is used to verify the sign out request sent from Zoho. You can find the certificate in the tag <ds:X509Certificate> in the metadata file.
Public Key
Public Key is a certificate with which Zoho can check the digital signature in the SAML assertion response.
Make sure the key is a base-64 encoded .cer , .crt, .cert, or .pem file. We don't accept any other format for the certificate.
Just in time provisioning
Just in time provisioning lets a user from your IdP to be added to Zoho impromptu. We will add them to Zoho after validating the SAML response and their domain.
The Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL is a Zoho destination URL where the SAML response must be sent by the IdP. It can be found in the metadata file downloaded from your Zoho account under the tag <md:AssertionConsumerService>.
Zoho only supports email address Name ID format, as specified in the metadata file "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress"