Scheduling your campaign

Scheduling your campaign

Scheduling a Campaign

You can add content to your campaign, pick recipients, and schedule it as you like.

There are four options you can use to schedule your campaign:

  1. Fixed Time and Time Zone - You can send your campaign at the date and time you set.
  2. Recipients' Time Zone - Campaign will be scheduled based on the recipients' time zone.
  3. Recipients' Optimal Open Time - Your campaign will be sent within 24 hours of when you schedule it, at times when your recipients are most likely to open it.

    Optimal time for each recipient will be calculated based on past open time pattern at the scheduled date, time, and time zone you've set. The recipients will be grouped for sending the campaign at different time intervals within next 24 hours.

  4. Send in Batches - The campaign will be scheduled in batches at time intervals you specify. Batch sending aids in controlling your website traffic.


Scheduling based on Fixed Time and Time Zone

To schedule campaign based on Fixed Time and Time Zone:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Engagement and select Email campaigns. 
  2. Click Create New and select Regular campaign. 
  3. Name your campaign and add content to it.
  4. In the Campaign Review page, click Select a Schedule Type .
  5. Choose Fixed Time and Time Zone .
  6. Specify the date and time.
  7. Click Schedule to start scheduling.


Scheduling based on Recipients' Time Zone

To schedule campaign based on Recipients' Time Zone:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Engagement and select Email campaigns.
  2. Click Create New and select Regular campaign.
  3. Name your campaign and add content to it.
  4. In the Campaign Review page, click Select a Schedule Type .
  5. Choose Recipients' Time Zone .
  6. Specify the date and time.
  7. Click Schedule to start scheduling.


  1. In order to make sure all the time zones are covered, you must schedule the campaign at least 24 hours in advance.
  2. The email campaigns you send will reach your recipients at the set time in their time zone. For e.g., If you set the delivery time as 4.00 PM and one of the recipients happens to be in PST, the particular recipient will receive the email at 4.00 PM PST.
  3. The time zone stats consists of real-time campaign status of different time zones recipients. This stats helps you find the number of recipients (across different time zones) who are yet to receive the campaigns you send.

Scheduling based on Recipients' Optimal Open Time

To schedule campaign based on Recipients' Optimal Open Time:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Engagement and select Email campaigns.
  2. Click Create New and select Regular campaign.
  3. Name your campaign and add content to it.
  4. In the Campaign Review page, click Select a Schedule Type .
  5. Choose Recipients' Optimal Open Time .
  6. Set the Date, Time, and Time Zone at which you want to schedule the campaign.
  7. Click Schedule to initiate scheduling.

Scheduling and Sending in Batches

To schedule campaign and Send in Batches:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Engagement and select Email campaigns.
  2. Click Create New and select Regular campaign.
  3. Name your campaign and add content to it.
  4. In the Campaign Review page, click Send in Batches .
  5. Set the Number of Batches, Time Interval, Date, Time, and Time Zone at which you want to schedule the campaign.
  6. Click Schedule to initiate scheduling.
  1. You can schedule a campaign in batches only when there are more than 200 recipients .
  2. A batch requires a minimum of 100 recipients .
  3. We recommend using Batch sending only for campaigns that do not have a time-based limitation. For instance, Batch sending isn't recommended to send out a New Year greeting campaign since all the batches wouldn't reach the recipients' on or before the New Year.
  4. Batch sending aids in controlling your website traffic. If all of your recipients' receive your campaign simultaneously, it would lead to a surge in your website traffic. Sending the campaign in batches spreads out your website traffic over a longer period of time.
  5. Advanced Campaigns cannot be scheduled based on Recipients' Time Zone, Recipients' Optimal Open Time, and Send in Batches. You can schedule it only based on Fixed Time and Time Zone .

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