Search Records

Search Records

The search option helps with locating specific information or specific records without having to go through the entire list of records, thus saving time in finding records. The different search options available in Zoho Recruit are:

  • Search by Alphabets
  • Search by Information
  • Search by Criteria

Search Records by Alphabets

This option enables you to search records within a module by clicking the alphabet links displayed on top. This would directly take you to the matching records that start with the selected alphabet.

To search records by alphabets

  1. Click the [Module] tab.
    Module refers to the Candidates, Contacts, Clients etc. tabs.
  2. In the [Module] home page, click the Alphabet from the list.
    The page displays the list of matching records that start with the selected alphabet.


  • The Alphabet search option searches records by First name.
    If you want to search records by Last Name, click Setup > Personal Settings > Name Format and change the format of name.

Search Records by Information

Search and find records swiftly with Zoho Recruit's Smart Search. This search feature matches your search terms with records present in the module you are currently in, simultaneously as you type. From there you can choose to access the record in its quick view or the detailed view. 

How it works:

  1. Navigate to the module you want to perform your search in and click on the search icon.
  2. Enter your search terms in the text box and your results will be displayed simultaneously as you type.
  3. You will have two view types for your search results, i.e, quick view and detailed view of the record.


  • When you are in the Home page or the Setup page, it acts as a global search, i.e, you get search results from across all your modules.
  • By default, you will be able to view all the records, provided the access to view the records is given to you by the administrator.
  • It is mandatory to enter a minimum of two characters in the text box for the search to initiate.

Search Records by Criteria using Advanced Filters

To filter records using advanced filters

  1. Go to the desired module.
  2. Select the required module list view.
  3. Under Filter [Records] By, select the desired combinations.
    You can select any number of search combinations as required.

    Click More to see more search criteria.
  4. Click Apply Filter.
    The records that meet the criteria are displayed.
  5. You can select records and assign suitable followup activities or run macros on them.

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