Send Email

Send Email

Automated emails allow for comprehensive communication in today’s organizations. Use them to inform your team about the progress of a job or notify specific users when the job moves to the next stage.

Configure automated emails and the recipient list using email alerts .

Add alert

  1. Click the   icon next to Send Email. 
  2. To add a new alert, fill in the fields as follows:
    • Name : Give a name to the email alert. 
    • Template : Select an email template from the available list of templates or create a new one by clicking  Create New Template.  Learn more  about creating new templates.
    • Notify to:  Select the users to receive the email. This can be individual users, teams, roles, or users in the  User dropdown  fields. You can also include external users who are not a part of the organization like vendors or customers. 
    • Click  Save .

Edit alert

To edit an existing alert:

  • Click the   icon next to  Send Email.  In the  Email Alerts pop-up, click the   at the right end of alert name.
  • Modify the values in the pop-up and click  Save .

Delete alert

To delete an alert:

  • Click the   icon next to  Send Email.  In the  Email Alerts pop-up, click the   to the right of the alert name. 
  • Confirm your action.

  • You can add a maximum of 3 email alerts for each transition and business rule .
  • The email alert whose radio button is selected will be applied.