Before launching your email campaign, use the Send for Review option- to ensure that your email campaign reaches the recipient's inbox, not the spam folder. Our moderators check your subject line, mailing list, and content for anti-spam compliance.
Additionally, try to figure out the most opportune time of day and week to send your emails. Test your campaign out and analyze the results to find out what time of day will bring you the most exposure and attention.
When an e-mail campaign is reviewed by a moderator or an administrator , the campaign content plays a vital role with respect to the approval of the campaign to be sent. A list of following mandatory checks are done:
Subject: The reviewing starts with giving due importance to the subject line of any campaign. A wide understanding of the subject line, which is free from terms such as offer, sale, discount, and money, are scrutinized. This gives a check that their e-mail do not reach the spam rather than inbox.
Content: While reviewing the verbal content, it requires a multiple angle approach pertaining to the font size, color. Here, due importance is given so that the content never fall into spam because of objectionable usage of words. Apart from anti-spam policy, redirection of any given link is also reviewed and a check is made that it is related to their business goals. Personalization of e-mail and footer customization such as link for unsubscribe, not interested, tell a friend are reviewed.
Image: The next step is to deal with the visual content and review whether it contains any inexplicit or pornographic images. Stress is laid upon to check that the size of the images falls in congruent to the content and is loaded completely. The medium of images is also noticed whether it comes through text editor, html editor, template or design template.
Org Subscriber List: In this case, a thorough check is made that the account holder does not exceed the maximum number of leads covered in his plan, respectively. Any change with respect to list such as deletion or re-adding of the subscriber are checked . Orglist of a customer is whitelisted depending upon their past campaign details such as usage of same subscriber list.
Org Whitelist: When account holders have a good history of campaigns, free from any complaints with regards to the subject, content, subscriber list, spam; their organiztion is completely whitelisted. It does not stop here; a random monitoring is done against any misuse of privilege provided to such genuine account holder.