Set criteria

Set criteria

Criteria are the fundamental filters of Conditional Assignment. To add a criteria:
  1. Choose Users matching the criteria when configuring the rule.
  2. Choose an attribute to filter users with.
  3. Set the value for the criteria, and the relationship between the attribute and the value.
  4. Click Add.
You can set criteria using the 13 available attributes:
  1. Group Role
  2. First Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Primary email
  5. All Emails
  6. Created time
  7. User Type
  8. User Status
  9. Reports to
  10. Location
  11. Designation
  12. Department
  13. Member of Group

Multiple criteria

You can add multiple criteria to filter users more precisely. When you add the second criteria, you can connect it to the first criteria using AND/OR relationships. An AND relationship means the rule will apply only to users who fit both criteria, while an OR relationship means the rule will apply to users who fit either criteria. By default, newly added criteria are related to the existing ones through an OR relationship.
Consider this example—you need to assign Zoho CRM only to the active users in California and New York who joined in 2018. You can do it with a single condition, by assigning the app to Everyone and setting these criteria:
Once you get the hang of using attributes (like User.UserTypeUser.Designation, and User.ReportsTo) and criteria pattern, you'll be able to create custom conditions to suit all your automated app assignment needs.