Set up a Face-to-Face Session

Set up a Face-to-Face Session

Face-to-Face session are for in-room attendees. Create a session and proceed to learn about delivering a session.

To set up a Face to Face session:
  1. Click the Sessions icon  in the left-hand panel.
  2. Click Create Session.
  3. Select Face-to-Face as the session type
  4. Enter a Session Name and Description.
  5. Enter the Date, Time and Duration of the session.
  6. Choose a suitable trainer from your organization as the Session host
  7. Click Create Session.

    You can customize the session settings like the session details, managing registrations, inviting attendees, promoting your session etc. Click here to learn how to customize your session. Once you finish customizing your session settings,

 Click Launch in the upper right corner when you're ready to start your session and send the instruction slide to your attendees. 

Click Start at the bottom right on the instruction slide to deliver your session. (Learn how to deliver a Face-to-Face session using ShowTime Web.)
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