Set up Fiscal Year

Set up Fiscal Year

The fiscal year setting helps organizations to configure their fiscal cycle based on the selected start month. Once the fiscal start month is selected, fiscal quarters are automatically rolled up. By default, Zoho CRM's fiscal start month is set to January. You can specify the fiscal year name based on the start or the end month. For example, let's say your fiscal year starts in April 2010 and ends in March 2011.

  • If you choose the fiscal year to be based on the start month, the year name will be displayed as 2010 (wherever applicable). 
  • If you choose the fiscal year to be based on the end month, the year name will be displayed as 2011.

To set up fiscal year

  1. Log in to Zoho CRM with Administrator privileges.
  2. Go to Setup > General > Company Details Fiscal Year.
  3. In the Fiscal Year page, select the Fiscal Start Month from the drop-down list.
  4. Choose Start Month or End Month to specify if the fiscal year name should be based on the start or the end month.
  5. Click Save.
  • The above instructions are followed to set the fiscal year for the first time. If you have already set the fiscal year but wish to update it now, the above mentioned instructions will not be applicable.
  • To update the fiscal year after it has been set up, do the following:
    • Select the Forecasts module
    • Click Get Started in the Forecast page
    • In the Forecast Settings Page, update the values as required.
    • Click Save.


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