Set up recurring sessions

Set up recurring sessions

Zoho ShowTime allows you to set up 'recurring sessions' with your clients, students or colleagues that occur at regular intervals such as daily, weekly, or monthly over a specified period. This saves you the time and effort of recreating the same training multiple times over.

Set the frequency and duration of a session

A session can be scheduled as a recurring one when configuring a training. Choose a customizable range of dates during which you want the sessions to recur. The date of the session that you are entering should be the first date that you want in the recurrence. End recurrence on is the date that you would like to end the recurring pattern on. This date must be after the start date of the current session in order to create a recurrence.   

To set the frequency of a training session:

While you create a session, click the Occurs drop-down and opt for a recurring pattern by choosing one from the drop-down menu. 

  1. Once: If you want to host a single meeting on a certain day/time when you choose this option. There will be no recurrence if you choose this. 
  2. Daily: This option schedules the session every day between the specified range of dates.
  3. Weekly: This option gives the ability to set up the recurrence on a certain day of each week (for example, every Monday). The day on which the weekly occurrence takes place is based on the start date of the training.
  4. Monthly: This option schedules a recurrence on the chosen date on a monthly basis. The date on which the monthly occurrence takes place is based on the start date of the training.

To set the duration (or period) of training: 

Click the drop-down under the Date and Time section and choose a convenient date. For example, if you were going to set up a recurring session on every Friday starting on 5/6/2019, then you would enter the date of training on the create session form as 5/6/2019. This is the Starting date of the recurrence.

Choose your preferred registration type

You can choose between two modes of registration in Zoho ShowTime thorugh which trainees can register and participate in all scheduled recurring sessions.
  1. Choose Individual registration for each occurrence if you want your trainees to register separately for each recurring session. 
  2. You can also opt for Single registration for all occurrences if you want your learners to register just once and access all the trainings.

Note: If you choose "Individual registration for each occurrence", your registrants will be able to choose their preferred date of registration from the scheduled list of sessions.

You can also choose to show the entire list of all the upcoming recurring sessions or specify only limited number of recurrences by using the toggle option under the Registration tab. 

Edit and delete a session 

After configuring and scheduling your recurring session ShowTime, you can find a list of all sessions under the Session Details page. 

To edit a session,

Click on the edit  button in the right to modify a session's date and time. 

You can also click on the registrant number to view the details of the specific registrants who have registered for a particular occurence of the recurring session.

To delete/remove a session,

Click the Cancel Session button on the top right to delete all occurrences of the scheduled recurring sessions. 
Note: The Recurring session feature is available in ShowTime's Standard, Professional and Enterprise plans
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