Setting export policy

Setting export policy

Password preference lets administrators allow users to set a password for file export. Setting a password is not mandatory but it's be  safer to opt for a password while exporting data.


You need the  Standard Admin role to edit information on this page. Users can view this page in user mode.

User mode is where the user can view a page but cannot perform any actions in that page.

How can I set/change password protection preference for file export?

1.  From the  Navigation toolbar select  Settings.

2. Select  Export policy under Campaign policy.

3. Click Enable password preference .


4.   Set the required preference:
    • Select  Use Zoho MarketingHubs' default password if you want your users to protect their files using Zoho Marketing Hub's'default password. Zoho Marketing Hub's default password is the combination of the first four characters of your users' email address and the last four digits of your users' Zoho user ID. This password will be used for every file that is exported.

    • Select  Set file-specific password if you want your users to set a custom password to their file.The usage of this password is limited to the export of the file for which it is set. The file cannot be opened if users forget the password.

    • If you want to let your users decide on not using password (be it Zoho Marketing Hub's Default password or a file-specific password) or skipping it for a particular export, select  Allow users to choose between setting password and skipping it for a particular export .

5. Click Save.

Click here to export the audit log of your organization.

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