Setting up and Configuring Zoho Finance Suite Integration

Setting up and Configuring Zoho Finance Suite Integration

The Zoho Finance Suite integration allows you to integrate your Zoho BooksZoho InvoiceZoho Expense as well as Zoho Subscription accounts with Zoho CRM. As a result you can view and monitor invoices, estimates, purchase orders, sales orders, expenses, expenses reports and subscription details related to customers within your Zoho CRM account. You can also Zoho Finance Suite information contextually under the Account, Contact and Potentials details.

  • Zoho CRM's native inventory modules (including Invoices, Estimates, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders) are independent of the sub-modules generated from the Zoho Finance Suite integration with CRM. Note that there is no synchronization between Zoho CRM's native inventory modules and Zoho Finance Suite's modules.


Permission Required
Module level permissions as well as Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice/Zoho Subscriptions permissions.

 Set up Zoho Finance Suite integration in Zoho CRM

Setting up Zoho Finance Suite integration in Zoho CRM includes the following actions:

  • Enabling configuration
  • Choosing finance modules to be included in Zoho CRM
  • Setting up synchronization settings
  • Choosing CRM trigger points (for Zoho Books integration)
  • Setting up profile permissions

 Configure Zoho Finance Suite

You can either configure your own Zoho Books/Expenses/Subscriptions account or another organization's account in Zoho CRM.

Configure your account
Configure other user's organization account
If you wish to configure your own account
  • Sign in to Zoho CRM with Administrative priviliges.
  • Go to Setup > Marketplace > Zoho Zoho Finance Suite.
  • Your email id will automatically be populated. Select the organization to be associated for the integration.
  • Proceed to set up synchronization settings.
If you wish to configure other user's organization account
  • Get the ZSC key from the owner of the Zoho Books/Expenses/Subscriptions account
  • Specify the ZSC Key and the associated email address in Zoho CRM.
  • Select the organization to be associated for the integration.
  • Proceed to set up synchronization settings.

To configure your organization account

  1. In Zoho CRM, click Go to Setup > Marketplace > Zoho Zoho Finance Suite.
  2. In the Integration with Zoho Finance Suite page, provide the following information:
    • Your email address (already populated).
    • Organization: All the organizations created across the Zoho Finance applications will be listed. Select the one that must be associated with this integration.
  3. Click Next.

  • If you are enabling the integration when you have no accounts created in any of the Zoho Finance applications, you will be prompted to create a new organization and this organization will be created for the Finance applications you select.
  • If you have an organization in only one of the Finance applications and you enable the integration for all Finance modules, then the organization will be automatically created for the rest of the Finance applications.

 To configure another user's organization account

If a person in your organization already happens to have a Zoho Books/Expenses/Subscription account, you can configure their account in your Zoho CRM account. You will need their account's Zoho Services Commnication Key (ZSC Key) and email address to enable the configuration.

  1. In Zoho CRM, click Go to Setup > Marketplace > Zoho Zoho Finance Suite.
  2. In the Integration with Zoho Finance Suite page, click the Configure other user's organization link.
    • Enter the email address of the user.
    • Enter the ZSC key of the Zoho Books/Expenses/Subscriptions account.
  3. Click Next.

To generate ZSC key in Zoho Books/Zoho Expenses/Zoho Subscriptions

  1. Log in to the required Zoho Finance application.
  2. Click on Settings > Integrations > Zoho Books/Zoho Expenses/Zoho Subscriptions ZSC Key.
  3. Copy the ZSC key and use it for Zoho Finance Suite integration in CRM.
  • If you are enabling the integration where there are no organizations associated with any of the Zoho Finance applications for the configured email address, you will be prompted to create a new organization and this organization will be created for the Finance applications you select.
  • If there is an organization in only one of the Finance applications and you enable the integration for all Finance modules, then the organization will be automatically created for the rest of the Finance applications.

 Choose Finance modules to be included in CRM

Once you have entered configuration details, select the Finance Modules to be included in CRM.

  • Invoices, Estimates, Sales Orders and Purchase Orders will be created as sub-modules under the Zoho Books tab. If you have enabled the integration for Zoho Invoice, then Invoice and Estimate modules will be created under the Zoho Invoice tab.
  • Expenses and Expense Reports will be created as sub-modules under the Zoho Expense tab.
  • Zoho Subscription information will be seen contextually in CRM.

 Configure synchronization settings

Once you have chosen the Zoho Finance applications to be included, data synchronization will be established between the following modules in Zoho CRM and Zoho Finance Suite.

  • Accounts & its contacts Sync: This is applicable to all Zoho Finance applications.
    • Accounts in Zoho CRM will sync with Contacts in Zoho Finance suite.
    • Contacts in Zoho CRM will sync with Contact persons in Zoho Finance applications.
  • Vendors Sync: Vendors in Zoho Books will sync with Vendors in Zoho CRM. This sync is applicable only for Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice integration.
  • Products SyncProducts in Zoho CRM will sync with Items in Zoho Books. This sync is applicable only for Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice integration.

For each of the above mentioned modules, you can map fields for synchronization.

To map fields for Contacts Synchronization

  1. In the Zoho Finance Suite integration page, under the Synchronization Settings section, click on the Settings icon in Contacts Synchronization section.
  2. In the ContactSync Settingspage, specify the following:
    • Which modules need to be synchronized with Zoho Finance Suite's Contact? - Select an option from the drop-down list.
    • Which records need to be synchronized? - Select the List Views from the Accounts/Contacts module from which records will be synchronized.
    • What needs to be done on Zoho Books's contact when the same record is modified on both sides? - During synchronization, if there are duplicates in Zoho Finance Suite, select an option to CloneOverwrite, or Skip.
    • Map the Zoho Zoho Finance Suite fields with those of Zoho CRM's Accounts and Contacts (based on your selection).
    • Click Save.

To map fields for Vendors Synchronization

  1. In the Zoho Finance Suite integration page, under the Synchronization Settings section, click on the Settings icon in Vendors Synchronization section.
  2. In the VendorsSync Settingspage, specify the following:
    • Which records need to be synchronized? - Select an option from the drop-down list.
    • What needs to be done on Zoho Books's vendor when the same record is modified on both sides?- During synchronization, if there are duplicates in Zoho Books, select an option to CloneOverwrite, or Skip.
    • Map the Vendors fields details in Zoho Books with that of Zoho CRM (based on your selection).
    • Click Save.

To map fields for Products Synchronization

  1. In the Zoho Finance Suite integration page, under the Synchronization Settings section, click on the Settings icon in Products Synchronization section.
  2. In the ContactSync Settings page, specify the following:
    • What needs to be done on Zoho Books's item when the same record is modified on both sides? - During synchronization, if there are duplicates in Zoho Books, select an option to CloneOverwrite, or Skip.
    • Map the Items fields with those of Products in Zoho CRM.
    • Click Save.

 Set CRM Trigger points (for Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice integration)

You can automatically create/accept/invalidate an estimate and create/invalidate an invoice based on Deal Stages in Zoho CRM during Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice integration. Select one of the following trigger points if required.

  • Create/Accept/Invalidate an Estimate depending on a selected deal stage.
  • Create/Invalidate an Invoice when a Potential is won/lost respectively
  • None

 Set profile permissions

To set permissions for profiles

  1. Go to Setup > Security Control > Profiles.
  2. In the Profiles page, click the Edit link for the corresponding profile that you want to edit.
  3. In the Module-level Permissions, select the Tab Visibility for Zoho Book/Zoho Invoice and Zoho Expense modules.
  4. In the Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice and Zoho SubscriptionsPermission sections, select the checkboxes for the following permissions for Invoices, Estimates, Purchase Order, Sales Orders and Receivables & Payables Summary as well as Subscriptions:
    • View - To view the transactions
    • Create& Edit - To create and also edit the transactions (Not available for Zoho Subscriptions)
    • Email - To attach a copy of the transaction in an email and send it to customers.(Not available for Zoho Subscriptions)
  5. Click Save.

 Deactivate Zoho Finance Suite

As the administrator of Zoho CRM, you can deactivate Zoho Finance Suite Integration from your CRM account. If you deactivate the Zoho Finance Suite Integration integration, all the associated data will no longer be available in Zoho CRM.

To deactivate Zoho Finance Suite

  1. Log in to Zoho CRM with administrative privileges.
  2. Go to Setup > Marketplace > Zoho Zoho Finance Suite.
  3. In the Integration with Zoho Finance Suite page, click Deactivate.
    Read the consequences of deactivation and proceed to deactivate.

    Note that this Deactivcation is for all the Finance applications integrated in Zoho CRM.
  • You can deactivate Zoho Finance Suite either entirely or selectively.
  • If you wish to deactivate one application and keep the other integrations intact, click the Edit link in the Finance modules section.

    Clear the checkbox against the modules you wish to deactivate and confirm deactivation.
  • In this case, only data pertaining to the deactivated application will be lost. The rest of the Zoho Finance modules are intact.

 Important notes about multicurrency

The integration between Zoho CRM and Zoho Books may give rise to a few minor conflicts with regards to the Multicurrency feature. However they have been seamlessly handled in Zoho CRM. Following are points to note regarding these conflicts and how they have been managed.

Conflict in Zoho CRM Edition

The Multicurrency feature is available in all editions Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice owing to the need to draw invoices and estimates on customers across different countries. In Zoho CRM, however, multicurrency is available only in the Enterprise Edition.

While multicurrency is available only in the Enterprise Edition of Zoho CRM, the Zoho Finance Suite Integration is available for both the Enterprise as well as the Professional Edition of Zoho CRM. This presents a conflict if a user in the Professional Edition wishes to enable the Zoho Finance Suite integration.

If a Zoho CRM Professional Edition user who has multiple currencies in his/her Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice account wishes to activate Zoho Finance Suite integration, the multicurrency feature will be enabled for his/her Zoho CRM account.

The user can then proceed to add multiple currencies for his/her Zoho CRM account. In this case, the Home Currency will be fetched from The Currency Locale under the Locale Information section .To set the Currency Locale, go to Settings Setup > General Company Details > Locale Information.

  • The multicurrency feature will be disabled in the Zoho CRM account if the said Professional Edition user wishes to deactivate Zoho Finance Suite integration.

Conflict in the Base Currencies of Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice and Zoho CRM

If the Home Currency in Zoho CRM is not the same as the Base Currency in Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice, this integration cannot be enabled.

For example, if the Home Currency in your Zoho CRM account is USD and the Base Currency in Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice is INR, then the integration cannot be enabled. In such a case you are advised to change the Base Currency in Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice to USD as well (since the Home Currency once set in Zoho CRM cannot be changed).

If you find that the Base Currency in Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice has been used for all transactions and cannot be changed, please write to Our support team will change the Home Currency in Zoho CRM for you. Once the currencies have been uniformly set in both the accounts, the Zoho Finance Suite integration can be enabled.

Conflict in the Definition of Exchange Rate

There is a conflict in how the exchange rates are defined in Zoho CRM and Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice.

Assume that the Home currency is USD in both Zoho CRM and Zoho Books. When you add a currency in Zoho CRM, say INR, Zoho CRM asks you, “1 USD is equal to how many INRs”. Whereas, when you add the same currency in Zoho Books, Zoho Books asks you, “How many USDs is equal to 1 INR”.

Even though the Home Currency is USD in both places, the exchange rate is defined as 1 USD = 60 INR in Zoho CRM and in Zoho Books, it is defined as 0.015 USD = 1 INR. This is rather the inverse of each other.

If invoices that are drawn in INR are pushed to Zoho CRM, they are converted to the Home currency (USD) before being represented in list views and reports. Zoho CRM uses the exchange rate mentioned in the invoice (Zoho Books exchange rate) for the conversion. So there may be a few minor discrepancies in this conversion process when the resulting figure has more than 9 decimal places. Up to 9 decimal places, the figures are accurate. The difference, if any, is usually almost negligible.

If you wish to look at the accurate amount, you can always check it in Zoho Books.


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