Settings - An Introduction

Settings - An Introduction

Zoho CRM and Zoho Motivator are automatically synchronized on a regular basis. However, you can manually sync with CRM when needed using the CRM Sync option.
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Manage users in Zoho Motivator who will be participating in KPIs, contests, and targets.
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Create, edit, and delete teams in Zoho Motivator.
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Personalize Motivator by customizing the logo on the Motivator UI and Motivator TV.
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Match the work week, fiscal year, and time zone in Motivator to those used in your company. Ensure that Zoho Motivator tracks and reports weekly and yearly KPIs and targets as expected.
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Define how you would like the data from CRM to show on the pipeline velocity and pipeline stage dashboards.
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Configure and view settings related to privacy.
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