Share and embed link to a published presentation

Share and embed link to a published presentation

Share a link to your published presentation by copying and pasting the URL. The link is generated when you publish a presentation, either inside or outside of your organization. 
To share a published link,
1. Click  menu at the top-right corner and select Get Embed Code.
This will open the  Published Presentation window with three sections: Publish Link, Embed Code, and Preview Area. 

2. Choose how you want to share the published link. There are three ways to share the published link: URLEmail, and Social Networks.
  • Share a link:  Share the URL link directly for people to open and watch on their web browsers. Click Select, copy the URL and paste it into a blog, website, social media account, or share as an instant messages to users.

  • Send email: Share the link via email. Enter the email addresses of individuals or a group of people within your  organization in the text box and click Send. An email with the link to the  presentation will be sent to the recipients, who can then click the link to play  the presentation.

  • Share via social networks: Post the link directly to social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Click a social media icon, log in to your account, and post or tweet it to your page. This option is available when you publish a presentation to the external world.

Users can embed a code directly to another site using the More  icon at the bottom of your published presentation.

Embed a presentation into blog, forum, or websites

Share your presentation to your visitors directly by adding into your blog, forum, or websites using the embed code.  An embed code is an HTML snippet or iframe code that is automatically generated when you publish a presentation. Embedding lets people watch and load your slideshow instantly from their browser.       

To embed a published presentation,
1. Click  menu at the top-right corner and select Get Embed Code. 
This will open the Published Presentation window with three sections: Publish Link, Embed Code, and Preview Area. 

2. Click Select Code inside the Embed Code text box, then copy and paste it to your website, blog or social media site.
You can also customize the embed code properties such as display screen size, border color, etc., as needed by clicking the Advanced Options before embedding the link.  Learn how to customize the embed code properties.

Before you embed a presentation on your web page, the presentation must be available to view publicly.

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