Share files

Share files

Share files with your friends inside or outside the project portal. Only the Portal Owner and users having the Admin profile can share files in Zoho Projects.

  1. Navigate to the file that you wish to share.
  2. Right click on the file and select Share. You can share the file with:
    • Any specific user in your project/portal
    • Everyone in your project portal
    • Everyone in Internet
    • Your external contacts

Share a file with any specific user in your project/portal

  1. Enter the name or email address of the user with whom you want to share the file with.
  2. Grant necessary permission to the user.
  3. Add a message if you wish to.
  4. Click Share.

Share a file with everyone in your portal

  1. Navigate to the file that you wish to share.
  2. Right click on the file and select Share.
  3. Select Everyone in Portal.
  4. Grant necessary permission to all users in the portal.
  5. Click Share.  

Share a file with everyone in the Internet

  1. Navigate to the file that you wish to share.
  2. Select Everyone in Internet.
  3. Set a password to protect the file access if needed.
  4. Set an expiry date if you wish to.
  5. Click Share.
  1. Navigate to the file that you wish to share.
  2. Right click on the file and select Share.
  3. Select External contacts with protected link.
  4. Grant necessary permission to the chosen external contacts.
  5. Set a password for the file and opt to sent it through Email if necessary. 
  6. Set an expiry date if you wish to.
  7. Click Share.

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