Sharing an article in Zoho Connect

Sharing an article in Zoho Connect


Let's say you are working on an article in one if your manuals and you need some perspective from someone who does not have access to the Manual. And what if you need to provide them access only to a specific article and not the entire manual? This is where the Share Article option can help. Using this option, you can share a specific article to network members who are not part of your Manual. You can also select if you'd like to give read-only access or if you'd like to give edit access to the article.

Who can share articles?

Only the admins of the Manual can share an article.

How to share an article?

  • Click Manuals in the left menu.
  • Go to the article that you want to share.
  • Click the three dot menu in the right side of the article.
  • Select Share Article from the drop-down.
  • Add the names of members you'd like to share the article to.
  • Click Share.
  • Choose between read-only or write access.
  • Click Done.
Articles that are in draft mode can be shared as well. Anyone you share the article with can also make comments on the article.

How to view the list of shared members?

Admins can view the list of members they've articles to by going to the Manual Settings. They can also switch the type of access (read/write) and remove sharing from the same page.
  • Click the three dot menu in the top-right part of the Manual. 
  • Select Settings from the drop-down.
  • Open the Shared Members tab to view the list of members.

How to change the type of access for shared members?

  • Click the three dot menu in the top-right part of the Manual. 
  • Select Settings from the drop-down.
  • Open the Shared Members tab.
  • Click the article count in the right, next to the respective member's name.
  • Use the toggle in the drop-down to switch between read and write access.

How to stop sharing an article?

  • Click the three dot menu in the top-right part of the Manual. 
  • Select Settings from the drop-down.
  • Open the Shared Members tab.
  • Click the article count in the right, next to the respective member's name.
  • Uncheck the article to stop sharing them.
  • If want to stop sharing for all articles the user has access to, click Remove Sharing.

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