Sharing Passwords With Third Parties

Sharing Passwords With Third Parties

(Available in Standard, Professional and Enterprise Editions)

You can temporarily share your passwords with third parties, like contractors, or freelancers who do not own a Zoho Vault account or aren't a part of your organization's Zoho Vault setup. To share your passwords with third parties:

  1. Select a password to share from the Passwords tab.
  2. Click Share, then select the Third-parties tab.
  3. Enter the email address of the third-party user and click Share Password. An email will be sent to the user containing an encrypted link to the password.
  4. An encryption key that will allow the third party user to access the shared password will be generated on your screen. Share this key with your contact separately.  

Note: These external users will have access to your passwords for thirty minutes, after which their access to the link containing your password expires. We recommend that you change the shared password before the shared link expires.

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