

With this integration, you can send surveys to your Shopify customers using the Zoho Survey add-on while they complete each online order. Hear from them and stay informed about customer experience trends.


How do I...


How do I install the Zoho Survey app in my Shopify account?

  1. Log in to your Shopify account.
  2. Search for Zoho Survey in the Shopify App Store.
  3. Click Zoho Survey.
  4. Click Add App.
  5. Click Install app.

    Zoho Survey Shopify install app


How do I send out a survey to my Shopify users?

  1. Log in to your survey app using your Zoho account. If you don't have a Zoho account already, sign up to use the app.

    Zoho Survey Shopify sign up

  2. You can send out the survey in the following ways:
    • Email Distribution
    • Embed Survey

      Zoho Survey Shopify distribute survey


How do I send out a survey through email distribution?

  1. Click Email Distribution, then select Orders to send out order-specific surveys. Click Customers to send out surveys to a particular customer. Click Event Triggers to trigger a survey when a particular Shopify event occurs.

    Zoho Survey Shopify Distribution options

  2. Select an order. You can filter the orders based on various parameters.

    Zoho Survey Shopify select order

  3. Click Actions, then select Send Survey.

    Zoho Survey Shopify send survey

  4. Select the survey you want to send in the Select a Survey dropdown list. If you haven't created any surveys yet, click Create a New Survey, or select a survey from one of our pre-built templates.

    Zoho Survey Shopify select survey

  5. Click Preview to take a quick look at the survey you selected.
  6. Select a collector in the Collector dropdown list.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the 'from email address' in the Reply to dropdown list.

    Zoho Survey Shopify select email address

  9. Type the name of the sender in the Name of the Sender field. 
  10. Select a recipient email address in the Send to list.
  11. Type a subject in the Subject field.
  12. Click or hover over the email template and click  to edit the email template or click on Edit template at the top right corner. You can make edits to the default template that gets displayed here. Enable Use First Question if you want to use the first question to be shown in the survey cover page. If the first question is NPS, Star Rating, or Multiple Choice, the first question will be embedded in your email distribution. This replaces the Begin Survey button as a link to your survey.
  13. Make edits to the title of the email template, if any, in the Title name box. If you do not make any changes to the title, it will take the name of the survey by default.
  14. Click Background color and Font color palettes in the Header section to adjust them in the template.
  15. Make edits to the button name in the Button name field, if required.
  16. In the Button URL field, click + Add Parameter, to insert respondent variable from Shopify into your survey.
    • Type name, if, for example, you want to track the respondent's name.
    • Click on Select value dropdown. Choose either first name or last name.
    • Click Ok.
    • Similarly, you can also insert a direct value as a respondent variable.
    • Example: Type 'Organization' and under Select value, click on param-value and put "XYZ Inc".
    • Make sure you have the corresponding custom variable for 'organization' created in survey.
  17. Click Background color and Font color palettes in the Button section to adjust them in the button name. As part of our branding, we include the Zoho logo in the footer of all free plan surveys. You can only remove the footer if you have a paid plan.
  18. Choose whether you want to show the default 'powered by Zoho Survey' option.
  19. Click OK.
  20. Click Send to distribute your survey through email. You can also save a draft version and send it later.


How do I track my survey?

  1. Click the survey you want to track from the list of published surveys.
  2. Click Overview to view the following details.

    Zoho Survey Shopify order overview

    • Invitations - Displays the details of how many of your respondents have opened your invite, how many are yet to open it, if any email has been scheduled or bounced, or if someone has unsubscribed from your invite. 
    • Collector list - Shows the collector from which the survey has been sent. You can also see the list of collectors here.
    • Responses - Displays the total number of responses, and the details of completed, partial, and disqualified responses.
    • Invite History - Displays the date and other details of each invite. Click View for a detailed history. You can also send reminders here.
  3. Click Recipients to see the following details.

    Zoho Survey Shopify order recipients

    • Search Recipients - Search for a recipient by using keywords.
    • Email - Displays email addresses of the customers.
    • Order Number - Displays the order numbers.
    • Sent - Displays whether your invite has been sent.
    • Responded - Displays the response status of your survey. If they have responded, click View Response. This will take you to the reports section, where you can see the responses in detail. You will also be able to track the respondent variables applied here. 
    • Filter - Filter your recipients based on various parameters. 
  4. Click Go back to Campaigns List to see the list of surveys you have already sent. You can find the following here:
    • Store responses chart and all your distributions
    • Responses table with the date of distribution, name of the survey, response status, and distribution type
    • List of distributions
    • Filters to categorize the distributions


How do I set up a survey trigger when a particular event occurs in the Shopify account?

  1. Log in to your survey app using your Zoho account. If you don't have a Zoho account already, sign up to use the app.

    Zoho Survey Shopify sign up

  2. Click Email Distribution, and select Event Triggers to trigger a survey when a particular Shopify event occurs.

    Zoho Survey Shopify event trigger

Note: You can only save the trigger here. You can't save a draft.


How do I track my event trigger?

  1. Click the survey you want to track from the list of published surveys. 
  2. Click Overview to view the following details.
    • Invitations - Displays the details of how many of your respondents have opened your invite, how many are yet to open it, if any email has been scheduled or bounced, or if someone has unsubscribed from your invite.
    • Collector list - Shows the collector from which the survey has been sent. You can also see the list of collectors here.
    • Responses - Displays the total number of responses, and the details of completed, partial, and disqualified responses.
    • Invite History - Displays the date and other details of each invite. Click View for a detailed history. You can also send reminders here.
  3. Click Logs to see the following details.

    Zoho Survey Shopify event trigger logs

    • Email - Displays email addresses of the customers.
    • Order Number - Displays the order numbers.
    • Date - Displays the date on which the invitation was sent.
    • Sent - Displays whether your invite has been sent.
    • Responded - Displays the response status of your survey. If they have responded, click View Response. It will take you to the reports section where you can see the detailed response details.
    • Filter - Filter your recipients based on various parameters.
  4. Click Go back to Campaigns List to view the list of surveys you have already sent. You can find the following here:
    • Store responses chart and all your distributions
    • Responses table with the date of distribution, name of the survey, response status, and distribution type
    • List of distributions
    • Filters to categorize the distributions

    Zoho Survey Shopify response chart table


How do I send out a survey using the embed option?

First, click Embed Survey. Follow the instructions below to embed the survey as code, on your order summary page, or in Shopify notifications.

Zoho Survey Shopify embed options


How do I embed a survey on my online store or product page using embed code?

  1. Select the survey you want to send in the Select a Survey dropdown list. If you haven't created any surveys yet, click Create a New Survey or select a survey from one of our pre-built templates.

    Zoho Survey Shopify embed code

  2. Click Preview to take a quick look at the survey you selected.
  3. Select a collector in the Collector dropdown list.
  4. Click Add Merge Tag to include Shopify variables in your survey responses.
  5. Select a variable in the Select Variable dropdown list. Click Create Custom Variable to create your own. Read more on this.
  6. Select a Shopify variable in the Shopify variable dropdown list.
  7. Click + to add more variables.
  8. Click X to remove the variables you have added.
  9. Click Generate Code.
  10. Copy the HTML code.

    Zoho Survey Shopify embed html code

  11. Select where you want to post the survey (themes, blog posts, pages) from the left pane.
    • If you select Pages or Blog posts, click Show HTML.

      Zoho Survey Shopify show HTML

    • If you select Themes, click Actions, and select Edit code.

      Zoho Survey Shopify themes edit code

    • Select any liquid file and paste the code in the editor. Click Save.

      Zoho Survey Shopify themes liquid files

  12. If you select Products, select any product, and click Show HTML. Paste the code in the description and click Save.

    Zoho Survey Shopify product content editor

  13. Paste the code in the Content editor.
  14. Click Save. You will be able to view the survey embedded on your online store.

    Zoho Survey Shopify product online store


How do I embed a survey on my order summary page?

  1. Select the survey you want to send in the Select a Survey dropdown list. If you haven't created any surveys yet, click Create a New Survey or select a survey from one of our pre-built templates.
  2. Click Preview to take a quick look at the survey you selected.
  3. Select a collector in the Collector dropdown list.
  4. Click Add Merge Tag to include Shopify variables in your survey responses.
  5. Select a variable in the Select Variable dropdown list. Click Create Custom Variable to create your own. Read more on this.
  6. Select a Shopify variable in the Shopify Variable dropdown list.
  7. Click + to add more variables.
  8. Click X to remove the variables you have added.
  9. Click Embed Survey. The survey will be displayed on the order summary page when an order is complete and view the responses in your survey reports section. Note: You can only create one distribution under this category.  Zoho Survey Shopify embed survey on order summary page


How do I send surveys along with Shopify notifications?

  1. Select the survey you want to send in the Select a Survey dropdown list. If you haven't created any surveys yet, click Create a New Survey or select a survey from one of our pre-built templates.
  2. Click Preview to take a quick look at the survey you selected.
  3. Select a collector in the Collector dropdown list.
  4. Click Add Merge Tag to include Shopify variables in your survey responses.
  5. Select a variable in the Select Variable dropdown list. Click Create Custom Variable to create custom variables. Read more on this.
  6. Select a Shopify variable in the Shopify Variable dropdown list.
  7. Click + to add more variables.
  8. Click X to remove the variables you have added.
  9. Click Generate Code.
  10. Copy the HTML code.

    Zoho Survey Shopify embed survey in notifications

  11. Click Settings and select Notifications to navigate to the Shopify notifications page.

    Zoho Survey Shopify notifications page

  12. Select the Shopify event you want to use.
  13. Paste it in your corresponding Shopify event notification Email body (HTML). Or, you can paste the survey link in the SMS content template.

    Zoho Survey Shopify notifications page

  14. Click Save. You'll receive a survey along with an email or SMS notification from Shopify.
  15. Click Preview to take a look at how your survey would appear.


How do I remove this integration?

  1. Click Apps on the left pane.
  2. Click the delete icon next to Zoho Survey.

    Zoho Survey Shopify remove integration

  3. Fill in the feedback fields and click Remove.

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