As a trainer, you get full freedom as to whether you show the poll votes to your attendees. Analyze your poll results at the end of the session to see how things worked.
Show poll results to your attendees
Click the Polls tab, then click Votes on a question to display the results while you deliver a session. A pop-up will list the associated poll results.
a) Multiple Choice- Display the question along with answer options, your participants' answers, and the number of people who participated in the poll.
b) Text box- Display the question along with your participants' answers and the number of people who participated in the poll.
c) Rating- Display the question along with the rating options, your participants' ratings, and the number of people who participated in the poll.
Click View results to display the results to your audience. A graph will explain the results in detail.
You can return to this data and analyze the poll results after you finish a session.
Analyze the poll data
Once you finish a session, a Session Details summary screen will appear. Click the Polls tab to analyze the poll data.
A list of conducted polls will be available with the question and number of votes received. Click View Results on a particular question to analyze the results. You will be able to view the detailed analytics of the particular poll that you conducted:
You will be able to view the detailed analytics of the particular poll that you conducted
a) Multiple Choice - View details such as the question asked, answer options, the participants' votes, attendee list, attendee email addresses, and the answers each participant provided. The number of participants that attended the session versus the votes received will be displayed in a diagram. You can filter the results based on which answer people selected.
b) Text box - View details such as the question asked, your attendee list, their email addresses, and the comments they provided. The number of participants that attended the session versus the votes received will be displayed in a diagram.
c) Ratings - View details such as the question asked, rating scale options with the scores, attendee list, their email addresses, and the rating they provided. An average rating will be displayed in a diagram. You can filter the results based on which answer people selected.